Class SoapUtils


public abstract class SoapUtils extends Object
Generic constants and subroutines for SOAP/XML processing.
Dmytro Rud
  • Field Details


      public static final Set<String> WS_ADDRESSING_NS_URIS
      Set of URIs corresponding to supported WS-Addressing specification versions.

      public static final Set<String> SOAP_NS_URIS
      Set of URIs corresponding to supported SOAP versions.
  • Method Details

    • extractSoapBody

      public static String extractSoapBody(String soapEnvelope)
      Extracts the proper body (for example, a Query) from the SOAP envelope, both represented as Strings.

      Does really suppose that the given String contains a SOAP envelope and not check it thoroughly.

      soapEnvelope - The SOAP Envelope (XML document) as String.
      Extracted SOAP Body contents as String, or the original parameter when it does not seem to represent a valid SOAP envelope.
    • extractOutgoingException

      public static Exception extractOutgoingException(Exchange exchange)
      Returns Exception object from the outgoing fault message contained in the given CXF exchange, or null, when no exception could be extracted.
    • extractOutgoingPayload

      public static String extractOutgoingPayload(Exchange exchange)
      Returns String payload of the outgoing message contained in the given CXF exchange, or null, when no String payload could be extracted.
    • getElementNS

      public static Element getElementNS(Element root, Set<String> nsUris, String wantedLocalName)
      Searches for the first sub-element of the given XML element, which has the given local name and whose namespace belongs to the given set.
      root - an XML element whose children will be iterated, null values are allowed
      nsUris - a set of namespace URIs the wanted element can belong to
      wantedLocalName - local name of the wanted element
      corresponding child element or null when none found