Uses of Enum Class
Uses of Xacml20Status in org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionXacml20Exception.getStatus()
static Xacml20Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static Xacml20Status[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionXacml20MessageCreator.createNegativeQueryResponse
(Xacml20Status status, String statusMessage) protected static ResponseType
(Xacml20Status status, String statusMessage, AssertionType assertion) ModifierConstructorDescriptionXacml20Exception
(Xacml20Status status) Xacml20Exception
(Xacml20Status status, String message) Xacml20Exception
(Xacml20Status status, String message, Throwable cause) Xacml20Exception
(Xacml20Status status, Throwable cause)