Class ConformanceProfileValidators


public final class ConformanceProfileValidators extends Object
Factory for manually triggering a validation of a message depending on a profile or a defined IHETransaction. In general this should not be necessary when the HapiContext of the parsed message contains a ValidationContext that includes the corresponding GazelleProfileRule instance as one of its message rules. In that case it would be sufficient to use HL7v2.validatingProcessor() or HL7.messageConforms().
Boris Stanojevic, Christian Ohr
  • Method Details

    • validatingProcessor

      public static Processor validatingProcessor(org.openehealth.ipf.gazelle.validation.profile.ConformanceProfile conformanceProfile)
      Returns a validating Camel processor for a dedicated profile
      conformanceProfile - HL7 conformance profile
      a validating Camel processor for a dedicated profile
    • validatingProcessor

      public static Processor validatingProcessor(org.openehealth.ipf.gazelle.validation.profile.HL7v2Transactions iheTransaction)
      Returns a validating Camel processor for a message in a IHE transaction. The actual profile to be used is guessed from the message's event type and version
      iheTransaction - IHE transaction
      a validating Camel processor for a message in a IHE transaction