Package org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core
package org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core
ClassDescriptionHelper methods for segment fragmentation, unsolicited request fragmentation, and interactive response continuation in HL7v2-based transactions.Correlation Manager used when duplexing message over a single Netty connection.Exception thrown by processors to indicate that an authentication failure occurred and has to be logged in ATNA.MllpComponent<ConfigType extends MllpEndpointConfiguration,
AuditDatasetType extends MllpAuditDataset> Generic Camel component for MLLP.MLLP dispatching Camel component.MLLP dispatching Camel endpoint.Configuration of a dispatching MLLP endpoint.MllpEndpoint<ConfigType extends MllpEndpointConfiguration,AuditDatasetType extends MllpAuditDataset, ComponentType extends MllpComponent<ConfigType, AuditDatasetType>> A wrapper for standard camel-netty endpoint which provides support for IHE PIX/PDQ-related extensions.Configuration of an MLLP endpoint.MllpTransactionComponent<AuditDatasetType extends MllpAuditDataset>Camel component for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).MllpTransactionEndpoint<AuditDatasetType extends MllpAuditDataset>Camel endpoint for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).Camel endpoint configuration for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).