Working with HL7 messages is explained in the [HL7 Messaging] section.

However, HAPI HL7 Message objects are also transferred through Camel routes, and at times it is convenient to have access to these APIs directly in Camel’s routing DSL, e.g. to generate an acknowledge that shall be returned to the client.


In case you use the IHE MLLP components of IPF, all the required HL7-related libraries are already transitively included. Otherwise, the following dependency must be registered in pom.xml:

    <!-- IPF HL7 extensions and DSL -->

    <!-- For each HL7 version being used, add structure library as well, e.g. v2.5 -->

Camel HL7 support

The Camel HL7 component already provides a convenient set of features, e.g. to marshal and unmarshal messages, validate them or create acknowledgement responses. Please refer to the documentation for details.

IPF Extensions to Camel HL7 support

IPF adds a few more features to the Camel HL7 component, which are described below.


HL7 v2 messages can be validated in routes with the verify().hl7() extension. This differs from the HL7.messageConforms() predicate of Camel in one important aspect:

The Camel predicate can be used for filters or validators, however, by design it just returns true or false, and the resulting PredicateValidationException gives no details whatsoever about the details, i.e. why the HL7 validation as failed and the location of the failure in the message.

In contrast, the IPF validator throws a ValidationException containing all the details about the validation failure that was provided by the HAPI validator classes.


The code above uses the [HAPI] [ValidationContext]( associated with the HapiContext under which the message was parsed. A different validation context can be used by specifying the .profile(Expression) or .staticProfile(Object) modifiers:

      .verify().hl7().profile { exchange ->
         // Calculate `ValidationContext`, `ValidationRuleBuilder` or `HapiContext`

      // context can be a `ValidationContext`, `ValidationRuleBuilder` or `HapiContext`


When using plain Java routes, the same behavior can be obtained by using the corresponding Camel processors:

    import org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.hl7.HL7v2;




By means of the helper class org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.hl7.HL7v2 IPF also provides a number of expressions that can be used to extract values from HL7 messages in Camel exchanges are translate them into a different message. These expression do not require the Groovy programming language.

  • get(String terserSpec) : returns the value from the field specified with the HAPI Terser spec
  • set(String terserSpec, Expression value) : sets the value of the field specified with the HAPI Terser spec
  • ack(...) : various methods to create an acknowledgement message
  • response(String eventType, String triggerEvent) : create a response message of the given event type

JMS Serialization

Although HAPI messages as such are serializable, their associated Parser and HapiContext objects are transient and get lost when a message is routes through a JMS message queue.

The org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.hl7.converter.HL7MessageConverter can be used to transparently convert the HAPI message into a text when writing into the JMS queue and back into a HAPI message object when reading from the JMS queue (you need to provide a dedicated HapiContext for the latter operation).

You need to add dependencies to Spring and the JMS API in the pom.xml Maven project descriptor, e.g.:


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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-20.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.