boolean userIsRequestor
Indicator that the user is or is not the requestor, or initiator, for the event being audited.
Used to identify which of the participants initiated the transaction being audited. If the audit source cannot determine which of the participants is the requestor, then the field shall be present with the value FALSE in all participants. The system shall not identify multiple participants as UserIsRequestor. If there are several known requestors, the reporting system shall pick only one as UserIsRequestor.
String userID
Unique identifier for the user actively participating in the event.
If the participant is a person, then the User ID shall be the identifier used for that person on this particular system, in the form of loginName@domain-name. If the participant is an identifiable process, the UserID selected shall be one of the identifiers used in the internal system logs. For example, the User ID may be the process ID as used within the local operating system in the local system logs. If the participant is a node, then User ID may be the node name assigned by the system administrator. Other participants such as threads, relocatable processes, web service end-points, web server dispatchable threads, etc. will have an appropriate identifier.
The implementation shall document in the conformance statement the identifiers used, see Section A.6. The purpose of this requirement is to allow matching of the audit log identifiers with internal system logs on the reporting systems.
When importing or exporting data, e.g., by means of media, the UserID field is used both to identify people and to identify the media itself. When the Role ID Code is EV(110154, DCM, "Destination Media") or EV(110155, DCM, "Source Media"), the UserID may be:
The UserID field for Media needs to be highly flexible given the large variety of media and transports that might be used.
String alternativeUserID
Alternative unique identifier for the user.
If the participant is a person, then Alternative User ID shall be the identifier used for that person within an enterprise for authentication purposes, for example, a Kerberos Username (user@realm). If the participant is a DICOM application, then Alternative User ID shall be one or more of the AE Titles that participated in the event.
Multiple AE titles shall be encoded as:
AETITLES= aetitle1;aetitle2;…
When importing or exporting data, e.g., by means of media, the Alternative UserID field is used either to identify people or to identify the media itself. When the Role ID Code is (110154, DCM, "Destination Media") or (110155, DCM, "Source Media"), the Alternative UserID may be any machine readable identifications on the media, such as media serial number, volume label, or DICOMDIR SOP Instance UID.
String userName
String networkAccessPointID
An identifier for the network access point of the user device This could be a device id, IP address, or some other identifier associated with a device.
The NetworkAccessPointTypeCode and NetworkAccessPointID can be ambiguous for systems that have multiple physical network connections. For these multi-homed nodes a single DNS name or IP address shall be selected and used when reporting audit events. DICOM does not require the use of a specific method for selecting the network connection to be used for identification, but it must be the same for all of the audit messages generated for events on that node.
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode networkAccessPointTypeCode
List<E> roleIDCodes
String mediaIdentifier
MediaType mediaType
EventIdentificationType eventIdentification
List<E> activeParticipants
AuditSourceIdentificationType auditSourceIdentification
List<E> participantObjectIdentifications
String auditSourceID
String auditEnterpriseSiteID
Logical source location within the healthcare enterprise network, e.g., a hospital or other provider location within a multi-entity provider group.
Serves to further qualify the Audit Source ID, since Audit Source ID is not required to be globally unique.
List<E> auditSourceTypeCode
Boolean encrypted
Boolean anonymized
List<E> mpps
List<E> accession
List<E> sopClasses
The UIDs of SOP classes referred to in this participant object.
Required if ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode is (110180, DCM, "Study Instance UID") and any of the optional fields (AccessionNumber, ContainsMPPS, NumberOfInstances, ContainsSOPInstances,Encrypted,Anonymized) are present in this Participant Object. May be present if ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode is (110180, DCM, "Study Instance UID") even though none of the optional fields are present.
List<E> studyIDs
EventId eventID
Instant eventDateTime
EventOutcomeIndicator eventOutcomeIndicator
String eventOutcomeDescription
EventActionCode eventActionCode
List<E> purposesOfUse
List<E> eventTypeCodes
String participantObjectID
ParticipantObjectIdType participantObjectIDTypeCode
String participantObjectName
byte[] participantObjectQuery
ParticipantObjectTypeCode participantObjectTypeCode
ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole participantObjectTypeCodeRole
ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle participantObjectDataLifeCycle
String participantObjectSensitivity
List<E> participantObjectDetails
List<E> participantObjectDescriptions
String type
byte[] value
URI uri
Throwable[] causes
String interaction
boolean serverSide
EventOutcomeIndicator eventOutcomeIndicator
String eventOutcomeDescription
String sourceUserName
RequestConsumer consumer
String servletName
boolean logging
ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum fhirVersion
boolean responseHighlighting
boolean prettyPrint
int pagingProviderSize
int defaultPageSize
int maximumPageSize
boolean strictErrorHandler
ca.uhn.fhir.narrative.INarrativeGenerator narrativeGenerator
String requestPayload
String localAddress
String remoteAddress
String serviceEndpointUrl
Set<E> patientIds
List<E> humanUsers
String sourceUserId
String destinationUserId
String queryString
String documentManifestUuid
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Address birthPlace
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.HumanName mothersMaidenName
List<E> citizenship
List<E> religion
PdqPatient.Race race
PdqPatient.Ethnicity ethnicity
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeableConcept code
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Period period
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding ombCategory
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding detailed
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.StringType text
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding ombCategory
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding detailed
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.StringType text
String sendingApplication
String sendingFacility
String receivingApplication
String receivingFacility
String messageType
String messageControlId
String localAddress
String remoteAddress
org.openehealth.ipf.gazelle.validation.profile.HL7v2Transactions transaction
String messageId
String queryId
String homeCommunityId
String requestType
String[] patientIds
String oldPatientId
ErrorResponse.ErrorType type
Iti59AuditDataset.RequestItem[] requestItems
String sourceUserId
String destinationUserId
String requestPayload
List<E> humanUsers
String clientIpAddress
PurposeOfUse[] purposesOfUse
String xuaPatientId
String localAddress
String remoteAddress
boolean sourceUserIsRequestor
String[] objectIds
String targetUuid
String sourceUuid
AssociationType associationType
AssociationLabel label
String entryUuid
Code docCode
String previousVersion
AvailabilityStatus originalStatus
AvailabilityStatus newStatus
Boolean associationPropagation
AvailabilityStatus availabilityStatus
Map<K,V> extraMetadata
LocalizedString localizedString
DocumentEntry documentEntry
List<E> authors
Code classCode
List<E> confidentialityCodes
Timestamp creationTime
List<E> eventCodeList
Code formatCode
String hash
Code healthcareFacilityTypeCode
String languageCode
Person legalAuthenticator
String mimeType
Code practiceSettingCode
Timestamp serviceStartTime
Timestamp serviceStopTime
Long size
Identifiable sourcePatientId
PatientInfo sourcePatientInfo
Code typeCode
String uri
String repositoryUniqueId
DocumentEntryType type
List<E> referenceIdList
DocumentAvailability documentAvailability
ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Composite hapiObject
Map<K,V> stringFields
Map<K,V> pojoFields
.Person person
Organization organization
Telecom telecom
org.joda.time.DateTime dateTime
Timestamp.Precision precision
AvailabilityStatus availabilityStatus
LocalizedString comments
String entryUuid
Identifiable patientId
LocalizedString title
String uniqueId
String homeCommunityId
String logicalUuid
Version version
boolean limitedMetadata
Map<K,V> extraMetadata
Query query
QueryReturnType returnType
List<E> typeCodes
List<E> classCodes
List<E> practiceSettingCodes
List<E> healthcareFacilityTypeCodes
QueryList<T> eventCodes
QueryList<T> confidentialityCodes
List<E> formatCodes
List<E> authorPersons
TimeRange creationTime
TimeRange serviceStartTime
TimeRange serviceStopTime
Identifiable patientId
List<E> statusDocuments
List<E> statusSubmissionSets
List<E> statusFolders
QueryList<T> confidentialityCodes
List<E> formatCodes
List<E> documentEntryTypes
Identifiable patientId
List<E> associationStatuses
Integer metadataLevel
Integer metadataLevel
Integer metadataLevel
QueryType type
DocumentReference requestData
String mimeType
String newRepositoryUniqueId
String newDocumentUniqueId
ValidationMessage validationMessage
SchematronOutput svrl
ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception nested
ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.ModelClassFactory defaultFactory
ExpressionResolver resolver
boolean locallyEnabled
ExpressionResolver resolver
boolean locallyEnabled
ExpressionResolver resolver
boolean locallyEnabled
ExpressionResolver resolver
boolean locallyEnabled
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