ch-ppq1 component
The ch-ppq1 component provides interfaces for actors of the Privacy Policy Feed transaction (PPQ-1), which is described in the Swiss national extensions to the IHE Technical Framework (revision from March 2018, section 3.3 in “Ergänzung 2 zu Anhang 5 der EPDV-EDIâ€?).
The transaction defines the following actors:
Producer side corresponds to the Policy Source actor. Consumer side corresponds to the Policy Repository actor.
In a Maven-based environment, the following dependency must be registered in pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId>org.openehealth.ipf.platform-camel</groupId> <artifactId>ipf-platform-camel-ihe-xacml20</artifactId> <version>${ipf-version}</version> </dependency>
Endpoint URI Format
The endpoint URI format of ch-ppq1 component producers is:
where hostname is either an IP address or a domain name, port is a port number, and path/to/service represents additional path elements of the remote service. URI parameters are optional and control special features as described in the corresponding section below.
The endpoint URI format of ch-ppq1 component consumers is:
The resulting URL of the exposed IHE Web Service endpoint depends on both the configuration of the deployment container and the serviceName parameter provided in the Camel endpoint URI.
For example, when a Tomcat container on the host is configured in the following way:
port = 8888 contextPath = /IHE servletPath = /policy/*
and serviceName equals to chPpq1Service, then thech-ppq1 consumer will be available for external clients under the URL
Additional URI parameters are optional and control special features as described in the corresponding section below.
Data Types
Messages exchanged in the ch-ppq1 transaction are defined in the XML Schema provided by eHealth Suisse, which also references data types from SAML 2.0 and XACML 2.0 standards: * Request message – either AddPolicyRequest or UpdatePolicyRequest or DeletePolicyRequest * Response message – EprPolicyRepositoryResponse