Class AuditLogUsedBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
AuditMessageBuilder<AuditLogUsedBuilder>, Validateable

public class AuditLogUsedBuilder extends BaseAuditMessageBuilder<AuditLogUsedBuilder>
Builds an Audit Event representing a Audit Log Used event as specified in

This message describes the event of a person or process reading a log of audit trail information.

Christian Ohr
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addAccessingParticipant

      public AuditLogUsedBuilder addAccessingParticipant(String userId, String altUserId, String userName, boolean userIsRequestor, List<ActiveParticipantRoleId> roleIds, String networkId)
      Adds the Active Participant of the User or System that accessed the log
      userId - The person or process accessing the audit trail. If both are known, then two active participants shall be included (both the person and the process).
      altUserId - The Active Participant's Alternate UserID
      userName - The Active Participant's UserName
      networkId - The Active Participant's Network Access Point ID
    • addAuditLogIdentity

      public AuditLogUsedBuilder addAuditLogIdentity(String auditLogUri)
      Adds the Participant Object representing the audit log accessed
      auditLogUri - The URI of the audit log that was accessed
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Description copied from interface: Validateable
      Validates the constructed audit message against the specification, because API does not completely prevent constructing incomplete or inconsistent messages.
      Specified by:
      validate in interface Validateable
      validate in class BaseAuditMessageBuilder<AuditLogUsedBuilder>