Package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.ebxml
package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.ebxml
ClassDescriptionEncapsulation of the ebXML classes for
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forAssociationType1
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forClassificationType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forExternalIdentifierType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forExtrinsicObjectType
.Serves as a factory for ebXML objects.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forInternationalStringType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRetrieveDocumentSetRequestType
.Provides functionality for containers of various ebXML objects.A container of objects used for resolving object references and their ids.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forAdhocQueryResponse
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRegistryEntryType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRegistryPackageType
.Represents a ebXMLRegistryResponseType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRemoveObjectsRequest
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRetrieveDocumentSetResponseType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forRetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequestType
.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forSlotType1
.Provides access to slots and their values.Encapsulation of the ebXML classes forSubmitObjectsRequest