Package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.metadata
package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.metadata
ClassDescriptionRepresents the address of a patient.Represents an authority that assigns IDs.Represents an XDS association.Association labeling values used for the associations of submission sets.Lists all possible types of associations between two documents.Represents the human or machine that created an entry.Describes the availability of an entry.Represents a code.Assigning Authority for the CXi data type, allowing both the Namespace ID and the combination of Universal ID and Universal ID Type.Represents the contents of a document and the describing entry.Represents an XDS document entry according to the IHE XDS specification.Type of a document entry.Represents an XDS folder according to the IHE XDS specification.Hl7v2Based<C extends Composite>An XDS model object backed up by an HL7 v2 element.Hl7v2Based.Holder<T extends Type>Fake enclosing element for an HL7 v2 sub-component, necessary for correct rendering and parsing.Represents a person ID (HL7v2 CX field where only CX.1, CX.4.2 and CX.4.3 are allowed), or an XDS "Coded String".Representation of a localized string.This class represents a name.Represents an object reference.Represents an organization.Represents additional information about a patient, as an HL7v2 PID segment with the following specialities: Fields PID-3 (patient IDs), PID-5 (patient names), PID-7 (birth date), and PID-8 (gender) can be manipulated both as HL7 strings and as XDS metadata objects.Represents an identifiable person.Represents a recipient containing a person and/or organization and/or telecommunication address.Represents a reference ID.Represents an XDS submission set according to the IHE XDS specification.Represents a telecommunication address.Represents a date and time range used in queries.HL7 timestamps (data type DTM) with particular precision, normalized to UTC.List of XDS related vocabulary constants.This class represents a name.A renderer of HL7 v2 elements which considers XDS-specific requirements regarding required and prohibited fields as prescribed in the ITI TF Volume 3 Chapter 4.Common base class of all XDS meta data classes.This class represents a name.