Class GetByIDAndCodesQueryTransformer<T extends GetByIdAndCodesQuery>

Type Parameters:
T - the actual query type that is transformed by an extending subclass.
Direct Known Subclasses:
GetFolderAndContentsQueryTransformer, GetSubmissionSetAndContentsQueryTransformer

public abstract class GetByIDAndCodesQueryTransformer<T extends GetByIdAndCodesQuery> extends Object
Base class of transformers for GetByIdAndCodesQuery.
Jens Riemschneider
  • Constructor Details

    • GetByIDAndCodesQueryTransformer

      protected GetByIDAndCodesQueryTransformer(QueryParameter uuidParam, QueryParameter uniqueIdParam, QueryParameter formatCodeParam, QueryParameter formatCodeSchemeParam, QueryParameter confCodeParam, QueryParameter confCodeSchemeParam)
      Constructs the transformer.
      uuidParam - the parameter name of the UUID parameter.
      uniqueIdParam - the parameter name of the unique ID parameter.
      formatCodeParam - the parameter name of the format code.
      formatCodeSchemeParam - the parameter name of the format code scheme.
      confCodeParam - the parameter name of the confidentiality code.
      confCodeSchemeParam - the parameter name of the confidentiality code scheme.
  • Method Details

    • toEbXML

      protected void toEbXML(T query, QuerySlotHelper slots)
      Called by toEbXML(StoredQuery, EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest) to transform slots.
      query - the query to transform.
      slots - the slots to be filled.
    • fromEbXML

      protected void fromEbXML(T query, QuerySlotHelper slots)
      query - the target query.
      slots - the slots to transform.
    • toEbXML

      public void toEbXML(T query, EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest<AdhocQueryRequest> ebXML)
      Transforms the query into its ebXML representation.

      Does not perform any transformation if one of the parameters is null.

      query - the query. Can be null.
      ebXML - the ebXML representation. Can be null.
    • fromEbXML

      public void fromEbXML(T query, EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest<AdhocQueryRequest> ebXML)
      Transforms the ebXML representation of a query into a query object.

      Does not perform any transformation if one of the parameters is null.

      query - the query. Can be null.
      ebXML - the ebXML representation. Can be null.