Class SplitterDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
CamelContextAware, LineNumberAware, org.apache.camel.model.Block, org.apache.camel.model.CopyableDefinition<org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition>, org.apache.camel.model.OutputNode, NamedNode, HasCamelContext, HasId, IdAware

@Metadata(label="ipf,eip") public class SplitterDefinition extends org.apache.camel.model.OutputDefinition<org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition>
OutputDefinition for the Splitter processor This class is needed to create a Splitter that hands on the sub exchanges to a specified processor. The Splitter requires explicit definition of this processor because it has to send multiple exchanges to the processor. Usually processors only send a single exchange to the next processor in the route, which is done automatically by Camel.
Jens Riemschneider, Martin Krasser
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.OutputDefinition


    Fields inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition

    disabled, inheritErrorHandler
  • Constructor Summary

    SplitterDefinition(String expressionBean)
    Creates a split type, i.e. a builder for Splitter
    Creates a split definition, i.e. a builder for Splitter.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    aggregationStrategy(Closure aggregationStrategy)
    Defines the aggregation logic for the split results as a closure
    Defines the aggregation logic for the split results via a strategy interface

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.OutputDefinition

    copyDefinition, getOutputs, setOutputs

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition

    addInterceptStrategy, addOutput, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, aggregate, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, bean, choice, circuitBreaker, claimCheck, claimCheck, claimCheck, claimCheck, clearOutput, configureChild, convertBodyTo, convertBodyTo, convertBodyTo, convertHeaderTo, convertHeaderTo, convertHeaderTo, convertHeaderTo, convertVariableTo, convertVariableTo, convertVariableTo, convertVariableTo, delay, delay, delay, disabled, disabled, disabled, doTry, dynamicRouter, dynamicRouter, end, endChoice, endCircuitBreaker, endDoCatch, endDoTry, endParent, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrich, enrichWith, enrichWith, enrichWith, enrichWith, enrichWith, enrichWith, filter, filter, filter, filter, getDisabled, getIndex, getInterceptStrategies, getLabel, getParent, getRouteConfiguration, id, idempotentConsumer, idempotentConsumer, idempotentConsumer, inheritErrorHandler, isAbstract, isInheritErrorHandler, isTopLevelOnly, isWrappingEntireOutput, kamelet, loadBalance, loadBalance, log, log, log, log, log, log, loop, loop, loop, loopDoWhile, loopDoWhile, markRollbackOnly, markRollbackOnlyLast, marshal, marshal, marshal, marshal, multicast, multicast, multicast, nodePrefixId, onCompletion, onException, onException, onException, onException, pausable, pausable, pausable, pausable, pipeline, pipeline, pipeline, policy, policy, poll, poll, poll, poll, poll, poll, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrich, pollEnrichWith, pollEnrichWith, pollEnrichWith, pollEnrichWith, pollEnrichWith, pollEnrichWith, pollV, preCreateProcessor, process, process, process, recipientList, recipientList, recipientList, recipientList, removeHeader, removeHeaders, removeHeaders, removeProperties, removeProperties, removeProperty, removeVariable, resequence, resequence, resumable, resumable, resumable, rollback, rollback, routeDescription, routeGroup, routeId, routingSlip, routingSlip, routingSlip, saga, sample, sample, sample, sample, script, script, serviceCall, serviceCall, serviceCall, setBody, setBody, setBody, setDisabled, setExchangePattern, setExchangePattern, setHeader, setHeader, setHeader, setHeaders, setInheritErrorHandler, setParent, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setRouteConfiguration, setVariable, setVariable, setVariable, setVariables, sort, sort, sort, split, split, split, split, startupOrder, step, step, stop, threads, threads, threads, threads, throttle, throttle, throttle, throttle, throttle, throwException, throwException, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, toD, toD, toD, toD, toD, toD, toD, toD, toD, toF, tokenize, toV, transacted, transacted, transform, transform, transform, transform, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, unmarshal, validate, validate, validate, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap, wireTap

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.camel.model.OptionalIdentifiedDefinition

    description, getCamelContext, getCustomId, getDescription, getDescriptionText, getId, getLineNumber, getLocation, getNodePrefixId, hasCustomIdAssigned, idOrCreate, setCamelContext, setCustomId, setDescription, setGeneratedId, setId, setLineNumber, setLocation

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode

  • Constructor Details

    • SplitterDefinition

      public SplitterDefinition()
    • SplitterDefinition

      public SplitterDefinition(Expression expression)
      Creates a split definition, i.e. a builder for Splitter.
      expression - The expression to be passed to the Splitter upon creation.
    • SplitterDefinition

      public SplitterDefinition(String expressionBean)
      Creates a split type, i.e. a builder for Splitter
      expressionBean - The name of the expression bean to be passed to the Splitter upon creation
  • Method Details

    • getShortName

      public String getShortName()
      Specified by:
      getShortName in interface NamedNode
      getShortName in class org.apache.camel.model.OutputDefinition<org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition>
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class org.apache.camel.model.OutputDefinition<org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition>
    • aggregationStrategy

      public SplitterDefinition aggregationStrategy(Closure aggregationStrategy)
      Defines the aggregation logic for the split results as a closure
      aggregationStrategy - the aggregation strategy
    • aggregationStrategy

      public SplitterDefinition aggregationStrategy(AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
      Defines the aggregation logic for the split results via a strategy interface
      aggregationStrategy - the aggregation strategy
    • getAggregationStrategy

      public AggregationStrategy getAggregationStrategy()
    • getExpressionDefinition

      public org.apache.camel.model.language.ExpressionDefinition getExpressionDefinition()
    • getExpressionBean

      public String getExpressionBean()