IPF provides utilities for translation between FHIR and HL7v2, thus giving the possibility to implement FHIR-based IHE transactions on top ot their HL7 v2 counterparts and to avoid redundancy in that way.

Currently supported transaction pairs are


In a Maven-based environment, the following dependencies should be registered in pom.xml:


This depends transitively on the required module:


Configuring the URI Mapper

For translation of FHIR messages, an instance of org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation.UriMapper is required in order to map FHIR URIs into OIDs and vice versa. IPF provides an implementation (org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation.NamingSystemUriMapper) that uses an instance of org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.NamingSystemService under the hood.

The default implementation is org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.DefaultNamingSystemServiceImpl, which expects a Bundle of FHIR NamingSystem resources. In addition, for code system mapping, a Mapping Service bean must be available. Here is a snippet of the required Spring-based configuration:

    <bean id="fhirContext" class="ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext" factory-method="forDstu2Hl7Org"/>

    <bean id="mappingService" class="org.openehealth.ipf.commons.spring.map.SpringBidiMappingService">
        <property name="mappingResources">

    <!-- Use NamingSystemService for the URI Mapper -->

    <bean id="namingSystemService" class="org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.DefaultNamingSystemServiceImpl">
        <constructor-arg ref="fhirContext"/>
        <property name="namingSystemsFromXml" value="classpath:identifiers.xml"/>

    <bean id="uriMapper" class="org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation.NamingSystemUriMapper">
        <constructor-arg ref="namingSystemService"/>
        <constructor-arg value="identifiers"/>

Note that Spring Boot applications can depend on ipf-fhir-spring-boot-starter, which already auto-configures these beans for you.

An example for a bundle of NamingSystem resources (referenced to be contained in the identifiers.xml file in the example above) looks like this:

<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir" >
    <id value="identifiers"/>
    <type value="collection"/>

                <id value="fhir1"/>
                <name value="FHIR1 Patient Identifier Namespace"/>
                <status value="active"/>
                <kind value="identifier"/>
                <date value="2015-07-31"/>
                        <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/identifier-type"/>
                        <code value="PI"/>
                    <type value="oid"/>
                    <value value=""/>
                    <type value="other"/>
                    <value value="fhir1"/>
                    <type value="uri"/>
                    <value value="http://org.openehealth/ipf/commons/ihe/fhir/1"/>
                    <preferred value="true"/>

                <id value="fhir2"/>
                <name value="FHIR2 Patient Identifier Namespace"/>
                <status value="active"/>
                <kind value="identifier"/>
                <date value="2015-07-31"/>
                        <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/identifier-type"/>
                        <code value="PI"/>
                    <type value="oid"/>
                    <value value=""/>
                    <type value="other"/>
                    <value value="fhir2"/>
                    <type value="uri"/>
                    <value value="http://org.openehealth/ipf/commons/ihe/fhir/2"/>
                    <preferred value="true"/>


Of course you are free to include your own implementations of UriMapper and/or MappingService.


The package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation... contains the set of translators that is able to translate between corresponding IHE transactions.

From a Patient identity Cross Reference Manager ’s perspective, there are inbound translators:

FHIR transaction FHIR-to-HL7v2 request HL7v2-Transaction HL7v2-to-FHIR response
PDQm ITI-78 iti78.PdqmRequestToPdqQueryTranslator PDQ ITI-21 iti78.PdqResponseToPdqmResponseTranslator
PIXm ITI-83 iti83.PixmRequestToPixQueryTranslator PIX Query ITI-9 iti83.PixQueryResponseToPixmResponseTranslator

Each translator has a set of configurable properties. Their descriptions can be taken from javadoc of the corresponding classes. Below there’s an example of a Spring application context defining translator beans:

<!-- Example for PIXm Query -->

<bean name="pixmRequestTranslator"
    <property name="uriMapper" ref="uriMapper" />

<bean name="pixmResposneTranslator"
    <property name="uriMapper" ref="uriMapper" />

<!-- Example for PDQm -->

<bean name="pdqmRequestTranslator"
    <property name="uriMapper" ref="uriMapper" />

<bean name="pdqmResponseTranslator"
    <property name="uriMapper" ref="uriMapper" />

Using the translators

A translator instance can be used two ways:

  • directly from a Java or Groovy application (not discussed here)
  • from a Camel route using ´.process()`

The module ipf-platform-camel-ihe-fhir-pixpdq, being the basis for the PIXm/PDQm FHIR transactions’ implementation, provides processors that can be used to embed HL7 translation functionality into a Camel route.

There are two processor implementations, each taking a translator instance as parameter for the desired translation:

  • FhirCamelTranslators.translatorFhirToHL7v2(translator)
  • FhirCamelTranslators.translatorHL7v2ToFhir(translator)


Here is a sample Camel route that bridges PIXm requests (ITI-83) to an HL7 v2-based Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager (ITI-9), and does the same in reverse direction for responses.

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation.FhirTranslator;
import org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.fhir.translation.ToFhirTranslator;

import static org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.fhir.core.FhirCamelTranslators.translateFhir;
import static org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.fhir.core.FhirCamelTranslators.translateToFhir;

public class Iti83TestRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {

    private final FhirTranslator<Message> requestTranslator;
    private final ToFhirTranslator<Message> responseTranslator;

    public Iti83TestRouteBuilder(FhirTranslator<Message> requestTranslator, 
                                 ToFhirTranslator<Message> responseTranslator) {
        this.requestTranslator = requestTranslator;
        this.responseTranslator = responseTranslator;

    public void configure() throws Exception {
                // Translate into ITI-9
                        // Create some static response
                        // Translate back into FHIR
                .process(translatorToFhir(responseTranslator, Message.class));

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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-23.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.