Release History

Version Date Description
3.5.0 23 Apr 2018 IPF 3.5.0
3.4.1 21 Dec 2017 IPF 3.4.1
3.4.0 24 Nov 2017 IPF 3.4.0
3.3.0 19 Jun 2017 IPF 3.3.0
3.2.0 10 Mar 2017 IPF 3.2.0

Release 3.5.0 – 23 Apr 2018

Type Changes By
Consider delegation when using XUA token information in ATNA records. Fixes 192. unixoid
Fix some minor FHIR issues. Fixes 189. ohr
Added initial support for the IHE QEDm transaction (without Provenance option). Fixes 187. ohr
Added experimental Kotlin HL7 support. Fixes 186. ohr
Update CCDA schema files. Fixes 185. thopap
Add ATNA auditing for ITI-68 (MHD retrieve document) transaction. Fixes 183. ohr
Remove XDS.a transactions. Fixes 182. ohr
Remove prefix from XDS DocumentEntry.URI. Fixes 180. unixoid
Reimplementation of DICOM/ATNA auditing. Fixes 177. ohr

Release 3.4.1 – 21 Dec 2017

Type Changes By
Add ITI-59 audit trail for DelRequest and ModifyDNRequest stanojevic-boris
Correct wsa:Action in HPD wsdl stanojevic-boris
Remove prefix from XDS DocumentEntry.URI. Fixes 180. unixoid
Fixed validation of nodeRepresentation. Fixes 179. unixoid
Return proper XTN-12 in XDS document author telecommunication. Fixes 178. unixoid
Exclude translation of search score. Fixes 176. ohr

Release 3.4.0 – 24 Nov 2017

Type Changes By
Workaround for HAPI escaping bug. Fixes 175. ohr
Add switch for strictly parsing FHIR resources. Fixes 174. ohr
Define asBoolean() for HL7 fields and structures. Fixes 172. ohr
Implement changes from IHE ITI Ballots 43 and 44. Fixes 171. unixoid
Upgraded Spring and Camel dependencies. Fixes 170. ohr
Changed test logging to use Log4J 2.9. Fixes 169. ohr
Simplify creation of ITI-43/ITI-86 requests from existing DocumentEntries. Fixes 168. unixoid
Support Cross-Community Metadata Update (XCMU) profile. Fixes 167. unixoid
Support for FHIR STU3 transactions. Restructuring of FHIR modules. Fixes 165. ohr
Support arbitrary PID fields in XDS SourcePatientInfo. Fixes 164. unixoid
Fixed translation of patient names between HL7v2 and HL7v3. Fixes 163. unixoid
ATNA records are enriched with user roles and patient IDs extracted from XUA SAML tokens. Fixes 162. unixoid
Bouncycastle is excluded from IPF dependencies. Fixes 161. unixoid

Release 3.3.0 – 19 Jun 2017

Type Changes By
Changes in SOAP/MLLP payload logging: application-wide behavior is controlled using system properties instead of global variables, and it is possible to use regular Java logging mechanisms instead of custom files. Fixes 157. unixoid
IHE ITI Ballot 41: implemented CP-ITI-839, CP-ITI-999. Fixes 156. unixoid
IHE ITI Ballot 40: implemented CP-ITI-997, CP-ITI-1001, CP-ITI-1018. Fixes 155. unixoid
Early support for the IHE RMD profile. Fixes 146. unixoid

Release 3.2.0 – 10 Mar 2017

Type Changes By
Early support for the IHE HPD profile. Fixes 145. unixoid
Fix invalid HL7v2 DSL in Iti9AuditStrategyUtils. Thanks to Seunghun Jun for reporting. Fixes 144. ohr
Made SOAP payload collection compatible with WS-Security. Thanks to Remco Overdevest for reporting (in #142). Fixes 143. unixoid
Allow to explicitly set HL7v2TransactionConfigurations for custom MllpComponents. Fixes 141. ohr
IHE ITI Ballot 38: Added support for the XDR/XCDR option "Transmit Home Community Id" (CP-ITI-924/961). Fixes 140. unixoid
PdqResponseToPdqmResponseTranslator now treats PID-19 as ST instead of CX. Thanks to Seunghun Jun for reporting. Fixes 139. ohr
Fix multiplicity validation of XDS Stored Query parameters; some of them (e.g. entryUUID, classCode) are now only allowed once. Fixes 137. Thanks to Joerg Rueckert. unixoid
PDQv3 to v2 translation supports multiple ID and Name search parameters. Fixes 136. ohr
XDS Telecom metadata class now accepts Long values as telephone numbers. Fixes 134. ohr
Convenience method for create HL7v2-based IHE transaction requests. Fixes 133. ohr
CXF features have not been initialized for Web Service clients. Fixes 132. ohr
Allow using Camel SSLContextParameters in IPF endpoint URIs to configure TLS. Fixes 130. ohr
Disabled PHMR rule without assertion. Fixes 129. Thanks to Jens Kristian Villadsen. ohr
Added some convenience methods for validating UUIDs. Fixes 128. Thanks to Tastelezz. ohr
IHE ITI Ballot 37: implemented CP-ITI-559, CP-ITI-810. Fixes 127. unixoid
Refactored IHE business logic to outside the ipf-platform-camel modules. Fixes 123. ohr
Moved OpenSAML dependencies to the new module ipf-commons-ihe-xua. Fixes 122. unixoid
Improved performance issue on simplified XDS model. Fixes 121. Thanks to Thomas Papke. unixoid
Added importable POM in ipf-dependency module containing dependency management for all major libraries including IPF itself. Fixes 120. ohr
IHE ITI Ballot 34: implemented CP-ITI-767 and CP-ITI-914. Fixes 119. unixoid
Added possibility to use ReferenceId domain objects for FindDocumentsByReferenceIdQuery. Fixes 117. Thanks to Thomas Papke. unixoid
Added support for Spring Boot. Fixes 115. ohr
Fix usage of QAK-5 and QAK-6 on interactive continuations. Fixes 114. stanojevic-boris
Fix typo in DICOM ATNA schema (ParticipantObjectSensistity, changed to ParticipantObjectSensitivity). Fixes 113. Thanks to Thomas Papke. unixoid
IHE ITI Ballot 33: implemented CP-ITI-582, CP-ITI-880, CP-ITI-889, CP-ITI-906, and CP-ITI-918. Fixes 112. unixoid
Specify port name in each @WebService annotation, avoiding warnings like "Could not find endpoint/port for ...". Fixes 110. Thanks to Thomas Papke. unixoid
Added support for IHE MHD transactions (ITI-65 through ITI-68). Fixes 109. ohr
Added paging support to FHIR transactions by providing IBundleProviders that retrieve resources either eagerly or lazily. Fixes 108. ohr

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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-23.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.