ipf-atna-spring-boot-starter sets up the infrastructure for ATNA auditing.

The dependency on the IPF Spring Boot ATNA starter module is:


Note: all IHE-related Spring boot starter modules depend on this starter module, so you normally do not have to explicitly depend on ipf-atna-spring-boot-starter.

ipf-atna-spring-boot-starter auto-configures:

  • org.openehealth.ipf.commons.audit.AuditContext bean
  • a basic listeners that write ATNA audit events upon application startup and shutdown, and authentication events

ipf-atna-spring-boot-starter provides the following application properties that configures the AuditContext as described here.

Property (ipf.atna.) Default Description
audit-enabled false Whether auditing is enabled
audit-repository-host localhost Host of the ATNA repository to send the events to
audit-repository-port 514 Port of the ATNA repository to send the events to
audit-repository-transport UDP Wire transport format (UDP, TLS)
audit-source-id ${spring.application.name} Source ID for ATNA events
audit-enterprise-site-id Enterprise Site ID for ATNA events
include-participants-from-response false Whether to include (patient) participants from responses as well
audit-source-type 4 (ApplicationServerProcess) Type of Audit Source
audit-queue-class org.openehealth.ipf.commons.audit.queue.SynchronousAuditMessageQueue Queue implementation for auditing
audit-sender-class as indicated by audit-repository-transport ATNA sender implementation
audit-exception-handler-class org.openehealth.ipf.commons.audit.handler.LoggingAuditExceptionHandler Exception handler impleemntation

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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-20.

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