FHIR endpoints requesting a potentially big bundle of results are enabled to support paging out of the box, providing different modes regarding eager or lazy fetching of result subsets.


Parameter name Type Default value Short description
lazyLoadBundles Boolean false whether page request parameters are delegated to the consumer route
cacheBundles Boolean false whether result pages are cached (only effective if lazyLoadBundles is true)

By default, the FHIR servlet is configured to return in pages containing 20 resources. The client may demand for smaller or larger pages by specifying the _count parameter, but the maximum is by default 100.

If lazyLoadBundles is false, the request must be treated as if no paging is in effect, i.e. the service returns all matching results. IPF cares about caching the results as well as the result size and delivers them back to the caller in the requested chunks. Repeating requests are served from this cache rather than being forwarded into the consumer route.

This behavior can get inefficient if the overall result set is usually much bigger compared to the requested result subset, particularly when the backend service has no upper result limit. In this case, lazyLoadBundles can be set to true, which causes IPF to delegate paging into the consumer route. The route is now responsible of handling the following two cases:

  • size request: IPF adds a message header called FhirRequestSizeOnly to the exchange, which indicates that the route must only return the overall result size as integer value.
  • subset request: IPF adds two message headers called FhirFromIndex and FhirToIndex to the exchange, containing the lower and upper bound of the request result subset. The route is expected to return the corresponding list of results.

By default, the results are not cached unless cacheBundles is set to true. In this case already returned results are cached and reused on repeating requests, if possible.

In the example below, only two entries per page were requested. As the total result size is three, the response bundle contains a link to the next page. Note that the URL is specific to the underlying FHIR library and must be treated as atomic unit.

    <Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
       <id value="baa11115-c300-4043-8214-e72c97fe2984"/>
          <lastUpdated value="2016-04-19T13:46:49.159+02:00"/>
       <type value="searchset"/>
       <total value="3"/>
          <relation value="self"/>
          <url value="http://localhost:8999/Patient?family=Test&amp;_count=2"/>
          <relation value="next"/>
          <url value="http://localhost:8999?_getpages=4fa95271-bb38-416b-a844-b83345280fbd&amp;_getpagesoffset=2&amp;_count=2&amp;_bundletype=searchset"/>
             <Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
                <id value="4711"/>
             <Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
                <id value="0815"/>

After calling directly the next URL, the second page is returned, containing the remaining patient entry together with a link to the previous page:

    <Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
       <id value="0de9dd8b-cb98-406e-a1f6-3bb6e2a5eaa5"/>
          <lastUpdated value="2016-04-19T14:10:17.109+02:00"/>
       <type value="searchset"/>
       <total value="3"/>
          <relation value="self"/>
          <url value="http://localhost:8999?_getpages=e8d02c62-6a96-48cc-904b-9740a7eac51f&amp;_getpagesoffset=2&amp;_count=2&amp;_bundletype=searchset"/>
          <relation value="previous"/>
          <url value="http://localhost:8999?_getpages=e8d02c62-6a96-48cc-904b-9740a7eac51f&amp;_getpagesoffset=0&amp;_count=2&amp;_format=xml&amp;_bundletype=searchset"/>
             <Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
                <id value="9999"/>

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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-23.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.