Currently, HL7v3-based components do not use any special data model. Web Service metadata (WSDL documens) reflects this peculiarity by declaring all message parts to be xsd:anyType.

What the components expect to obtain from a Camel route (e.g. outgoing requests on producer side and outgoing responses on consumer side) is an XML String containing an HL7 v3 message, or something that can be transformed into such String by the means of Camel type converters — e.g. byte array, input stream, stream reader, DOM document, XSLT source, etc.

What the components deliver to a Camel route, is always an XML String.

Camel’s Groovy DSL extensions for XML processing can be efficiently used to handle and prepare request and response messages.

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Version: 3.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2018-04-23.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.