The Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF) provides interfaces for health-care related integration solutions. An prominent example of an healthcare-related use case of IPF is the implementation of interfaces for transactions specified in Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles.
IHE Profile Support
A set of components for creating actor interfaces as specified in IHE and Continua integration profiles. IPF supports creation of actor interfaces for a large number of IHE profiles as well as for Continua profiles HRN and WAN.
FHIR Support
FHIR® – Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources ( – is a next generation standards framework created by HL7 leveraging the latest web standards and applying a tight focus on implementability.
HL7v2 Messaging
Basis for HL7 message processing is the HL7v2 DSL. These provides the basis for implementing HL7 Message processing Camel routes as well as for processing HL7v2-based IHE transactions.
Spring Boot support
IPF comes with a number of Spring Boot Starters that support running eHealth applications in the Spring Boot runtime environment
Note! This is a revamp of the IPF documentation valid as of IPF 3.6.x. Some sections are still incomplete. The old documentation is still available here.