Class WsTransactionConfiguration<T extends WsAuditDataset>

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WsTransactionConfiguration<T extends WsAuditDataset> extends TransactionConfiguration<T>
Contains information about a Web Service-based transaction. All parameters are static, i. e. do not depend on the endpoint configuration.
  • Constructor Details

    • WsTransactionConfiguration

      public WsTransactionConfiguration(String name, String description, boolean isQuery, AuditStrategy<T> clientAuditStrategy, AuditStrategy<T> serverAuditStrategy, QName serviceName, Class<?> sei, QName bindingName, boolean mtom, String wsdlLocation, boolean addressing, boolean swaOutSupport, boolean auditRequestPayload, boolean allowAsynchrony)
      Constructs the transaction configuration.
      name - name of the transaction.
      description - human-readable description of the transaction.
      isQuery - true if this transaction describes a query, false otherwise.
      clientAuditStrategy - AuditStrategy to be used on client side to accomplish ATNA audit.
      serverAuditStrategy - AuditStrategy to be used on server side to accomplish ATNA audit.
      serviceName - the qualified name of the service.
      sei - service endpoint interface.
      bindingName - the qualified name of the binding to use.
      mtom - true if this service requires MTOM.
      wsdlLocation - the location of the WSDL of this webservice.
      addressing - true if this service requires WS-Addressing.
      swaOutSupport - true if this service requires SwA for its output.
      auditRequestPayload - true if this service must save payload in audit record.
      allowAsynchrony - true if service producers should be allowed to request asynchronous responses via WS-Addressing <ReplyTo> header. (obviously does not make any sense when addressing==false).
  • Method Details

    • getBindingName

      public QName getBindingName()
      the qualified name of the WSDL binding to use.
    • getServiceName

      public QName getServiceName()
      the qualified name of the WSDL service.
    • getSei

      public Class<?> getSei()
      the class of the service interface.
    • isMtom

      public boolean isMtom()
      true if this service requires MTOM.
    • getWsdlLocation

      public String getWsdlLocation()
      location of the WSDL document.
    • isAddressing

      public boolean isAddressing()
      Whether WS-Addressing should be supported. Currently affects only the client side (i.e. the Camel producer).
      true if this service requires WS-Addressing.
    • isSwaOutSupport

      public boolean isSwaOutSupport()
      true if this service requires SwA for its output.
    • isAuditRequestPayload

      public boolean isAuditRequestPayload()
      true if this service must save payload in audit record.
    • isAllowAsynchrony

      public boolean isAllowAsynchrony()
      true if service producers sre allowed to request asynchronous responses via WS-Addressing <ReplyTo> header.