Translation between HL7 v2 and HL7 v3 message models

IPF provides utilities for translation between HL7v2 and HL7v3, thus giving the possibility to implement HL7v3-based IHE transactions on top ot their HL7 v2 counterparts and to avoid redundancy in that way.

Currently supported transaction pairs are


In a Maven-based environment, the following dependencies should be registered in pom.xml:


This depends transitively on the required module:


Configuring the Mapping Service

For translation of PIX Feed and PDQ messages, the IPF Mapping Service must be activated and configured to use the mapping provided by IPF (which can be accessed as a classpath resource). Here is a snippet of a Spring XML configuration:

<bean id="mappingService" class="">
    <property name="mappingResources">
            <!-- other custom mappings -->


The package org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hl7v3.translation contains the set of translators that is able to translate between corresponding IHE transactions.

From a Patient identity Cross Reference Manager ‘s perspective, there are inbound translators:

HL7v3-Transaction HL7v3-to-HL7v2 request HL7v2-Transaction HL7v2-to-HL7v3 response
PIX Feed V3 ITI-44 PixFeedRequest3to2Translator PIX Feed ITI-8 PixFeedAck2to3Translator
PIX Query v3 ITI-45 PixQueryRequest3to2Translator PIX Query ITI-9 PixQueryResponse2to3Translator
PDQ V3 ITI-47 PdqRequest3to2Translator PDQ ITI-21 PdqResponse2to3Translator

… and outbound translators:

HL7v2-Transaction HL7v2-to-HL7v3 request HL7v3-Transaction HL7v3-to-HL7v2 response
PIX Feed ITI-8 PixFeedRequest2to3Translator PIX Feed V3 ITI-44 PixAck3to2Translator
PIX Update ITI-10 PixUpdateNotification2to3Translator PIX Update V3 ITI-46 PixAck3to2Translator

Note that currently only the ITI-8/ITI-44 pair is provided for both directions.

Each translator has a set of configurable properties. Their descriptions can be currently taken from javadoc of the corresponding classes. There are reasonable default values, therefore the explicit configuration (see items in the example below) can be omitted in many cases.

<!-- Example for PIX Feed -->

<bean name="pixFeedRequestTranslator"
    <property name="useSenderDeviceName" value="true" />
    <property name="useReceiverDeviceName" value="true" />
    <property name="copyEmailAs" value="PID-13-1" />
    <property name="copyAccountNumberAs" value="PID-18" />
    <property name="accountNumberRoot" value="1.2.3" />
    <property name="copyNationalIdentifierAs" value="PID-19" />
    <property name="nationalIdentifierRoot" value="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" />
    <property name="birthNameCopyTo" value="PID-5" />
    <property name="useOtherIds" value="true" />

<bean name="pixFeedAckTranslator"
    <property name="ackCodeFirstCharacter" value="C" />

Using the translators

A translator instance can be used two ways:

  • directly from a Java or Groovy application (not discussed here)
  • from a Camel route using ´.process()`

The module ipf-platform-camel-ihe-hl7v3, being the basis for the PIXv3 and PDQv3 transactions’ implementation, provides processors that can be used to embed HL7 translation functionality into a Camel route.

There are two processor implementations, each taking a translator instance as parameter for the desired translation:

  • PixPdqV3CamelTranslators.translatorHL7v3toHL7v2(translator)
  • PixPdqV3CamelTranslators.translatorHL7v2toHL7v3(translator)

Before translating from HL7v3 to HL7v2, the original request is saved internally, because some parts of it will have to be yielded unmodified into the HL7 v3 response message. When the translation of a response message was not preceded by the translation of the corresponding request message and therefore the request could not been saved automagically by means of IPF’s internal machinery, the user has to provide the request manually (as a String containing XML document or a Message instance depending on the transaction under consideration) in the property HL7V3_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_PROPERTY of the Camel exchange.

Customizing the translators

All translators call a postprocess method right before the translation result is returned to the caller. In all concrete translator implementations provided by IPF, this method does not do anything. In order to customize the translation result, inherit from the translator and override this method.


Here is a sample Camel route that impements bridges PIX Feed v3 requests (ITI-44) to an HL7 v2-based Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Manager (ITI-8), and does the same in reverse direction for acknowledgements.

import org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hl7v3.translation.*;
import static org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.hl7v3.PixPdqV3CamelTranslators.*;

class BridgeRouteBuilder extends SpringRouteBuilder {

    private PixFeedRequest2to3Translator pixFeedRequestTranslator;
    private PixFeedAck2to3Translator pixFeedAckTranslator;
    private String pixManagerUri;


    // Probably the shortest possible HL7v3 PIX Manager implementation ;-)
    void configure() throws Exception {
            // some reasonable exception handling