HL7v2 Netty Codec

Some parameters defined in camel-netty have fixed values in MLLP-based IPF IHE components. This means that these parameters are actually not configurable by the user anymore; values provided via endpoint URIs will be silently ignored.

These parameters are:

Netty Parameters

Parameter name Type Constant value
sync boolean true
lazySessionCreation boolean true
transferExchange boolean false
encoding String corresponds to the charset name configured for the HL7 codec factory, as described below

All other URI parameters defined in camel-netty remain fully functional and configurable by the user. Of particular interest are the following parameters:

Parameter name Type Default Description
disconnect boolean false (producer,consumer): disconnect(close) from Mina session right after use.
timeout or requestTimeout long (ms) 30000 (producer): timeout that specifies how long to wait for a response from a remote server
connectTimeout long (ms) 10000 (producer): time to wait for a socket connection to be available. Value is in milliseconds

HL7 Codec Parameters

camel-netty defines a parameter named encoders and decoders, which are expected to contain the name of the beans that translate the network stream into a suitable application protocol and vice versa. camel-hl7 comes with an implementation of an MLLP encoder and decoder factory. MLLP-based IPF IHE components set #hl7decoder and #hl7encoder as a default values for these parameter. The corresponding beans must always be defined (choose your favorite charset/encoding):

<bean id="hl7decoder" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPNettyDecoderFactory">
    <property name="charset" value="iso-8859-1"/>
    <!-- Produce a byte array so that charset can be detected dynamically -->
    <property name="produceString" value="false"/>

<bean id="hl7encoder" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPNettyEncoderFactory">
    <property name="charset" value="iso-8859-1"/>

The character set name for the HL7 codec factory will be automatically:

  • propagated to the Camel component (see parameter encoding in the table above)
  • stored in the Exchange.CHARSET_NAME property of each Camel exchange
  • used in all data transformation activities

Note that this default charset can be overridden by the message itself, see below.

HL7 Charset Detection

In HL7v2 messages, the field MSH-18 can be used to indicate the character set with which the message is encoded. As of IPF 4.4, both the decoding and encoding process uses this message-specific charset with higher priority than the configured default charset, i.e. if MSH-18 is empty or the value in MSH-18 is unknown, the configured default charset is used.

Valid character sets are:

HL7 charset (Table 0211) in MSH-18 Java charset equivalent
8859/1 ISO-8859-1
8859/2 ISO-8859-2
8859/3 ISO-8859-3
8859/4 ISO-8859-4
8859/5 ISO-8859-5
8859/1 ISO-8859-6
8859/1 ISO-8859-7
8859/1 ISO-8859-8
8859/1 ISO-8859-9
BIG-5 Big5”
CNS 11643-1992 ISO-2022-CN
ISO IR14 ISO-2022-JP
KS X 1001 EUC-KR

HL7 Connection Multiplexing

Normally, if messages are sent concurrently over the same MLLP endpoint, a pool of producer instances (and hence: connections) is used under the hood. This is also the default behavior. The size and eviction strategies of this pool can be configured using producerPool* endpoint parameters (see the camel-netty page).

A new feature with MLLP producer endpoints based on camel-netty is multiplexing. Using this feature, the one and the same connection can be used to concurrently transfer requests and correctly associate the respective responses. This can be useful when e.g. the receiving side only allows one connection per source but can handle several requests on this connection at the same time.

There are, however, some prerequisites for this to work correctly:

  • The message IDs in MSH-10 of outgoing HL7 messages must be unique
  • The acknowleged message IDs in MSA-2 of response HL7 messages must always correlate with MSH-10 of the request
  • The receiving side must be able to receive concurrent requests on the same connection
  • A Spring bean of type org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core.Hl7CorrelationManager must be instantiated. The Spring Boot auto configuration in the ipf-hl7-spring-boot-starter module defines such a bean with the id hl7Correlation.
  • The producer endpoint URL must be enhanced with the following two parameters: producerPoolEnabled=false&correlationManager=#hl7Correlation

The alternative would be to set producerPoolMaxTotal=1; however, this would effectively serialize requests to be sent.

DNS address caching

The cachedAddress parameter (for caching InetAddress instances after a DNS lookup) is not available in camel-netty. This parameter was useful for container setups where hosts may change their virtual IPs. Instead, Netty uses the global JDK resolution mechanism that can be configured by setting the security property networkaddress.cache.ttl in the file JAVA_HOME/conf/security/java.security to a few seconds only or 0 to disable caching completely. The default is usually 30 seconds.

You can override this value by providing this in a separate properties file and start your JVM with the system property -Djava.security.properties=<URL of file>. The following example would reduce the time a DNS lookup is cached to 5 seconds:
