IPF 3.2 Migration Guide

IPF 3.2 comes with some changes that must be considered when upgrading from IPF 3.1 to IPF 3.2.


IPF 3.2 requires Java 8.

Dependency POM

IPF declares a dependency POM that manages the versions of the major required 3rd party libraries as well as of all IPF modules. In order to align with these versions and minimize conflicts, import the following dependency:


FHIR-based IHE transaction modules split up

While adding more FHIR-based IHE transactions, it became necessary to split up both the ipf-platform-camel-ihe-fhir module and the ipf-commons-ihe-fhir module. The Patient-related transactions PIXm and PDQm already existing in IPF 3.1 have been moved into ipf-platform-camel-ihe-fhir-pixpdq and ipf-commons-ihe-fhir-pixpdq.

HL7v2 Message Classes

XPID transaction endpoints now create and expect a custom message type org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hl7v2.definitions.xpid.v25.message.ADT_A43 instead of the standard ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.message.ADT_A43.

XDS metadata classes

org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.metadata.Telecom now uses Long values for countryCode, areaCityCode, localNumber and extension instead of Integer values


EhCache is now an optional dependency. The EhCache implementations org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.hl7v3.EhcacheHl7v3ContinuationStorage, org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core.EhcacheInteractiveContinuationStorage, org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core.EhcacheUnsolicitedFragmentationStorage and org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.ws.correlation.EhcacheAsynchonyCorrelator can only be used if you add a Maven dependency to EhCache to your project.


The ipf-oht-atna dependency uses more secure default values as before:

  • The TLS protocol used for Secure Audit Trail is determined by the jdk.tls.client.protocols system environment variable that has been introduced with Java 8 (see here for details). If not present, the default value is "TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1".
  • As before, the Cipher Suites used for Secure Audit Trail are determined by the https.ciphersuites system environment variable, but the default valuer is now "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" (i.e. "SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA" has been removed).

This also means that the TLS parameters for any outgoing TLS connection as well as incoming MLLPS connections need to be considered separately. All outgoing TLS connections as well as incoming MLLPS connections can now be configured uniformly:

  • by customizing the system properties listed in the JSSE documentation
  • by providing a Camel sslContextParameters reference in the endpoint URL
  • by directly providing an sslContext reference in the endpoint URL
  • by stating secure=true in the endpoint URL. In this case, the Camel registry is looked up for a unique bean of type org.apache.camel.support.jsse.SSLContextParameters. If none is found, a default SSL Context (controlled by the system properties) is instantiated. If more than one is found, an exception is thrown.

XUA Token Parsing

The dependencies for parsing the IHE XUA SAML Token from web service requests (for the sake of ATNA auditing) have been isolated in the new new ipf-commons-ihe-xua module. When you expect XUA tokens, you need to add the following Maven dependency:


See issue #122 for details

IHE Profile Updates

IPF 3.2 is compatible with IHE ITI Revision 13 (published on Sep 9, 2016), including changes from the following Change Proposals:

  • Ballot 38: Implemented CP-ITI-949 CP-ITI-961
  • Ballot 37: Implemented CP-ITI-559 and CP-ITI-810
  • Ballot 36: Implemented CP-ITI-955
    • CP-ITI-955: Add DocumentEntry type to FindDocumentsByReferenceId
  • Ballot 35: No changes were required

  • Ballot 34: Implemented CP-ITI-767 and CP-ITI-914
    • CP-ITI-767: Fix errors in CXi datatype and referenceIdList attribute examples
    • CP-ITI-914: Value of Content-Type HTTP header action parameter
  • Ballot 33: Implemented CP-ITI-582, CP-ITI-880, CP-ITI-889, CP-ITI-906 and CP-ITI-918
    • CP-ITI-582: Metadata Update correction for associations in GetAllQuery
    • CP-ITI-880: Add new value for Study Instance UID in CXi.5 (Identifier Type Codes)
    • CP-ITI-889: Clarify Error Code used for ‘RPLC’ or ‘XFRM_RPLC’ Association Validation
    • CP-ITI-582: ITI-8 MSH message structure - Revert changes introduced in CP-ITI-786
    • CP-ITI-582: Fix workflowInstanceId specification in Vol 3 CXi datatype definition
  • Ballot 32: Implemented CP-ITI-884 and CP-ITI-885

Internal Restructuring of IHE components

Issue #123 caused a number of internal refactorings, mostly moving Camel-independent functionality and configuration from the ipf-platform-camel-* modules into the corresponding ipf-commons-* modules. The majority of the configuration related to IHE transactions (like audit strategies, web service specifications) have been moved into subclasses of org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.core.InteractionId.

For using existing IPF Camel components, this restructuring remains invisible, however, if you wrote your own Camel components and endpoints based on the abstract base classes provided by IPF, you probably will need to restructure your code correspondingly.