File-based Logging of MLLP Message Payload

The general functionality of file-based payload logging is provided for MLLP endpoints in form of a set of interceptors located within the package org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.ihe.mllp.core.intercept, which have to be deployed on the endpoints:

  • ...consumer.ConsumerInPayloadLoggerInterceptor for inbound messages on consumer side
  • ...consumer.ConsumerOutPayloadLoggerInterceptor for outbound messages on consumer side
  • ...producer.ProducerInPayloadLoggerInterceptor for inbound messages on producer side
  • ...producer.ProducerOutPayloadLoggerInterceptor for outbound messages on producer side

These interceptors come with their respective Hl7v2InterceptorFactory as inner classes, see the examples below.


This is a Spring configuration fragment that defines a set of parameterized interceptor beans:

    <!-- Uses Spring Expression Language -->
    <bean id="logFileNamePrefix" class="java.lang.String">
        <constructor-arg value="#{systemProperties['IPF_LOG_DIR']}/[processId]/[date('yyyyMMdd-HH00')]/[sequenceId]" />

    <bean id="serverInLogger" 
        <constructor-arg value="#{@logFileNamePrefix}-server-in.txt" />
        <property name="locallyEnabled" value="true" />

    <bean id="serverOutLogger" 
        <constructor-arg value="#{@logFileNamePrefix}-server-out.txt" />

    <bean id="clientInLogger" 
        <constructor-arg value="#{@logFileNamePrefix}-client-in.txt" />

    <bean id="clientOutLogger"
        <constructor-arg value="#{@logFileNamePrefix}-client-out.txt" />

In this example, a common prefix for log file names is defined. Referencing the JVM property IPF_LOG_DIR gives an additional possibility for path customization by the user. The consumer endpoint URI which uses these interceptors may look like:


Custom file name expression resolvers

The logger beans in the example above implicitly use the Spring Expression language, which requires you to add the following runtime dependency to your pom.xml file:


You can also provide your own implementation of org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.core.payload.ExpressionResolver and pass an instance with the constructors of the payload loggers instead.