pdq-iti22 component
The pdq-iti22 component provides interfaces for actors of the Patient Demographics and Visit Query IHE transaction (ITI-22), which is described in the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework, Volume 2, Section 3.22.
The transaction defines the following actors:
Producer side corresponds to the Patient Demographics Consumer actor. Consumer side corresponds to the Patient Demographics Supplier actor.
In a Maven-based environment, the following dependency must be registered in pom.xml
Endpoint URI Format
The endpoint URI format of the pdq-iti22
component is identical for producers and consumers:
where hostname is either an IP address or a domain name, and port is a number. For the consumer side, the host name
allows the access from any remote host.
These two obligatory URI parts represent the address of the MLLP(S) endpoint which is to be served by the given consumer or
accessed by the given producer. URI parameters controlling the transaction features are described below.
HL7v2 Codec
Until IPF 4.3.x, all HL7v2-based transactions are realized using the camel-mina and camel-hl7 components and requires that an HL7v2 Mina Codec is available in the Camel registry.
As of IPF 4.4.x, all HL7v2-based transactions are realized using the camel-netty and camel-hl7 components and requires that an HL7v2 Netty Codec is available in the Camel registry.
This is an example on how to use the component on the consumer side:
// process the incoming request and create a response
Basic Common Component Features
Basic MLLP Component Features
- Message types and exception handling
- Secure transport
- File-Based payload logging
- Mina options (until IPF 4.3.x)
- Netty options (as of IPF 4.4.x)