All Classes and Interfaces

Java class for AbandonRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration Abenakian.
Base class for receivers of asynchronous responses for Web Service-based IHE transactions.
Base class for all ATNA audit-related CXF interceptors.
Abstract base class for message queues that serialize the AuditRecord into a wire format by using the configured SerializationStrategy and send it to an ATNA repository using the configured AuditTransmissionProtocol,
Base class of a IBundleProvider delegating to a RequestConsumer instance
Abstract parent class for XML validators, transmogrifiers, and other classes which cache static external resources in memory.
Generic Audit Strategy for FHIR transactions
FHIR REST client for sending FHIR Audit Events to an Audit Record Repository.
Generic implementation of an HL7v2-based Web Service.
Rejection handling strategy base for HL7v2-based WS transactions.
Generic Web Service implementation for HL7 v3-based transactions.
Convenience subclass of AbstractMessage used for custom message structures as e.g. defined by IHE.
Abstract Implementation that holds naming systems in memory as a map of NamingSystem sets.
Abstract plain provider that allows subclasses to forward the received payload into the Camel route served by the consumer.
Abstract resource provider that allows subclasses to forward the received payload into the Camel route served by the consumer.
CXF interceptor which logs all errors instead of letting them break the processing flow.
URI mapper base implementation that recognizes and creates OID URNs
Base class for web services that are aware of a DefaultWsConsumer.
Base component class for Web Service-based IHE components.
Camel endpoint used to create producers and consumers based on webservice calls.
Camel producer used to make calls to a Web Service.
Rejection handling strategy base for WS transactions.
Generic functionality for HL7v2 acceptance checking interceptors.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementCondition.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementDetailCode.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementDetailNotSupportedCode.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementDetailSyntaxErrorCode.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementDetailType.
Description of the enumeration AcknowledgementType.
Description of the enumeration ActAccommodationReason.
Description of the enumeration ActAccountCode.
Description of the enumeration ActAdjudicationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActAdjudicationGroupCode.
Description of the enumeration ActAdjudicationResultActionCode.
Description of the enumeration ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration ActBillableModifierCode.
Description of the enumeration ActBillingArrangementCode.
Description of the enumeration ActBoundedROICode.
Description of the enumeration ActClass.
Description of the enumeration ActClassCareProvision.
Description of the enumeration ActClassClinicalDocument.
Description of the enumeration ActClassComposition.
Description of the enumeration ActClassCondition.
Description of the enumeration ActClassContainer.
Description of the enumeration ActClassContract.
Description of the enumeration ActClassControlAct.
Description of the enumeration ActClassDocument.
Description of the enumeration ActClassEntry.
Description of the enumeration ActClassExposure.
Description of the enumeration ActClassExtract.
Description of the enumeration ActClassFinancialContract.
Description of the enumeration ActClassGenomicObservation.
Description of the enumeration ActClassObservation.
Description of the enumeration ActClassObservationSeries.
Description of the enumeration ActClassOrganizer.
Description of the enumeration ActClassPolicy.
Description of the enumeration ActClassPosition.
Description of the enumeration ActClassProcedure.
Description of the enumeration ActClassPublicHealthCase.
Description of the enumeration ActClassROI.
Description of the enumeration ActClassRoot.
Description of the enumeration ActClassSubjectBodyPosition.
Description of the enumeration ActClassSubjectPhysicalPosition.
Description of the enumeration ActClassSupine.
Description of the enumeration ActClassSupply.
Description of the enumeration ActConditionList.
Description of the enumeration ActConsentInformationAccessOverrideReason.
Description of the enumeration ActConsentType.
Description of the enumeration ActContainerRegistrationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActCoverageAuthorizationConfirmationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActCoverageMaximaCodes.
Description of the enumeration ActCoverageQuantityLimitCode.
Description of the enumeration ActCredentialedCareProvisionPersonCode.
Description of the enumeration ActCredentialedCareProvisionProgramCode.
Description of the enumeration ActDietCode.
Description of the enumeration ActEncounterCode.
Description of the enumeration ActExposureCode.
Description of the enumeration ActExposureLevelCode.
Description of the enumeration ActFinancialTransactionCode.
Description of the enumeration ActHealthInsuranceTypeCode.
Description of the enumeration ActIncidentCode.
Description of the enumeration ActIneligibilityReason.
Description of the enumeration ActInformationAccess.
Description of the enumeration ActInformationAccessCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInformationAccessContextCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInformationCategoryCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInpatientEncounterCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInsurancePolicyCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInsurancePolicyCodeAutomobileByBOT.
Description of the enumeration ActInsurancePolicyCodeDiseaseProgramByBOT.
Description of the enumeration ActInsurancePolicyCodePublicHealthcareByBOT.
Description of the enumeration ActInsurancePolicyCodeSubsidizedHealthProgramByBOT.
Description of the enumeration ActInsuranceTypeCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceAdjudicationPaymentSummaryCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceDetailGenericAdjudicatorCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceDetailGenericModifierCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceDetailGenericProviderCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceDetailTaxCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceElementModifier.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceInterGroupCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceOverrideCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoicePaymentCode.
Description of the enumeration ActInvoiceRootGroupCode.
Java class for ActionType complex type.
Abstract Base type for all types of Actions.
Description of the enumeration ActiveEditStatus.
Specification of the role(s) the user plays when performing the event, as assigned in role-based access control security.
Audit Active Participant Role ID Code as specified in 1.2.840.10008.6.1.905
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration ActMedicalServiceCode.
Description of the enumeration ActMedicationList.
Description of the enumeration ActMedicationTherapyDurationWorkingListCode.
Description of the enumeration ActMonitoringProtocolCode.
Description of the enumeration ActMood.
Description of the enumeration ActMoodCompletionTrack.
Description of the enumeration ActMoodCriterion.
Description of the enumeration ActMoodIntent.
Description of the enumeration ActMoodPredicate.
Description of the enumeration ActMoodProposal.
Description of the enumeration ActNoImmunizationReason.
Description of the enumeration ActNonObservationIndicationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActObservationList.
Description of the enumeration ActPatientTransportationModeCode.
Description of the enumeration ActPaymentCode.
Description of the enumeration ActPharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration ActPolicyType.
Description of the enumeration ActPriority.
Description of the enumeration ActPriorityCallback.
Description of the enumeration ActProgramTypeCode.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipCheckpoint.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipConditional.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipCostTracking.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipExcerpt.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipFulfills.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipHasComponent.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipHasSupport.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipJoin.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipMitigates.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipObjective.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipOutcome.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipPosting.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipReason.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipSequel.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipSplit.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipSubset.
Description of the enumeration ActRelationshipTemporallyPertains.
Description of the enumeration ActResearchInformationAccess.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecimenTransportCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecimenTreatmentCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecObsCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecObsDilutionCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecObsInterferenceCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSpecObsVolumeCode.
Description of the enumeration ActStatus.
Description of the enumeration ActStatusNormal.
Description of the enumeration ActSubstanceAdministrationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSubstanceAdministrationImmunizationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode.
Description of the enumeration ActSupplyFulfillmentRefusalReason.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskClinicalNoteEntryCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskClinicalNoteReviewCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskMedicationListReviewCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskMicrobiologyResultsReviewCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskOrderEntryCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskPatientDocumentationCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskPatientInformationReviewCode.
Description of the enumeration ActTaskRiskAssessmentInstrumentCode.
Description of the enumeration ActUncertainty.
Description of the class AD.
Contract for classes that adapts the modules API to Apache Camel interfaces.
Abstract base class for classes that adapt transform support library interfaces to Apache Camel interfaces.
Description of the enumeration AdditionalLocator.
Java class for AddPolicyRequest complex type.
Java class for AddRequest complex type.
Represents the address of a patient.
Java class for addressInformationType complex type.
Description of the enumeration AddressPartType.
Description of the enumeration AddressUse.
Java class for AdhocQueryQueryType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
A registry query.
Description of the enumeration AdjudicatedWithAdjustments.
Description of the enumeration AdministrableDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration AdministrationDetectedIssueCodeDuplicateTherapyAlertByBOT.
Description of the enumeration AdministrationMedicalDevice.
Description of the enumeration AdministrativeContactRoleType.
Description of the enumeration AdministrativeGender.
Description of the enumeration AdoptedChild.
ADT_A01 message with renamed groups PROCEDURE and INSURANCE.
Custom ADT_A39 structure that renames the PATIENT group
Custom ADT_A39 structure that renames the PATIENT group
Java class for AdviceType complex type.
Description of the class ADXP.
Description of the class AdxpAdditionalLocator.
Description of the class AdxpBuildingNumberSuffix.
Description of the class AdxpCareOf.
Description of the class AdxpCensusTract.
Description of the class AdxpCity.
Description of the class AdxpCountry.
Description of the class AdxpCounty.
Description of the class AdxpDelimiter.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryAddressLine.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryInstallationArea.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryInstallationQualifier.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryInstallationType.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryMode.
Description of the class AdxpDeliveryModeIdentifier.
Description of the class AdxpDirection.
Description of the class AdxpHouseNumber.
Description of the class AdxpHouseNumberNumeric.
Description of the class AdxpPostalCode.
Description of the class AdxpPostBox.
Description of the class AdxpPrecinct.
Description of the class AdxpState.
Description of the class AdxpStreetAddressLine.
Description of the class AdxpStreetName.
Description of the class AdxpStreetNameBase.
Description of the class AdxpStreetNameType.
Description of the class AdxpUnitID.
Description of the class AdxpUnitType.
Description of the enumeration AerosolDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration AgeDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration AgenciesProviderCodes.
Aggregates a Collection of S objects into one T object.
Adapts an Aggregator.
Description of the enumeration Aleut.
Description of the enumeration AlgorithmicDecisionObservationMethod.
Description of the enumeration AllergyandImmunologyProviderCodes.
AllergyIntolerance Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration AllopathicandOsteopathicPhysiciansProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration Ambulance.
Description of the enumeration AmbulanceHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration AmbulanceProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration AmbulatoryClinicOrCenterHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration AmbulatoryHealthCareFacilitiesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration AmnioticFluidSacRoute.
Description of the enumeration AnesthesiologyProviderCodes.
Description of the class ANY.
Description of the class ANYNonNull.
Description of the enumeration Apachean.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Application Activity event as specified in
Description of the enumeration ApplicationMediaType.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration ArapahoGrosVentre.
Java class for armedForcesDataType complex type.
Java class for ArtifactResolveType complex type.
Java class for ArtifactResponseType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ArtificialDentition.
Description of the enumeration AskedButUnknown.
Java class for AssertionBasedRequestType complex type.
Java class for AssertionIDRequestType complex type.
Java class for AssertionType complex type.
Description of the enumeration AssignedNonPersonLivingSubjectRoleType.
Represents an authority that assigns IDs.
A JAXB XmlAdapter that creates a simplified representation of an AssigningAuthority which just contains the universal id without the namespace id and the universal id type.
Description of the enumeration AssistedLivingFacilityProviderCodes.
Represents an XDS association.
Association labeling values used for the associations of submission sets.
Java class for AssociationQueryType complex type.
Transforms an Association to its ebXML representation.
Lists all possible types of associations between two documents.
Association is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are Code-based.
Audit queue that uses an injectable ExecutorService to asynchronously send away audit events.
Interface for message correlators in asynchronous Web Service-based eHealth transactions.
Java class for AttributeDescription complex type.
Java class for AttributeDescriptions complex type.
Java class for AttributeQueryType complex type.
Java class for AttributeStatementType complex type.
Java class for AttributeType complex type.
Java class for AttributeValueAssertion complex type.
Java class for AudienceRestrictionType complex type.
Description of the enumeration AudiologistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration AudioMediaType.
Component that supports ATNA auditing
Endpoint that supports ATNA auditing.
Abstract base class for configuration for endpoints that support auditing
Java class for AuditableEventQueryType complex type.
An Event that forms an audit trail in ebXML Registry.
AuditContext is the central location where all aspects of serializing and sending out Audit messages are defined.
Customizer that can be used to manipulate auto-configured AuditContext beans
A generic data structure used to store information pieces needed for auditing.
Handler to be configured on a AuditContext that defines what shall happen if sending the audit message to a destination has failed.
CXF interceptor for ATNA auditing in WS-based IHE transactions with WSA asynchrony support.
Interface for Auditing interceptors.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Audit Log Used event as specified in
DICOM AuditMessage basis type.
Base interface for building DICOM audit messages
Determine the timing and priority in which audit messages are delivered.
Providing meta information about the audit record that is e.g. used for populating the RFC 5424 header.
CXF interceptor for ATNA auditing in WS-based IHE transactions with WSA asynchrony support.
CXF interceptor for ATNA auditing in WS-based IHE transactions with WSA asynchrony support.
The Audit Source Type values specify the type of source where an event originated.
Audit Source Type Codes as originally specified in and now maintained in This value set is a literal part of the audit schema, ie.e. no other codes may be used.
ATNA audit strategy base for transactions.
Maps AuditTransmissionProtocol names to service providers which should provide a concrete instance of an AuditTransmissionProtocol over a ServiceLoader mechanism.
Implementations of this interface transmit the serialized AuditMessage to an AuditRepository using IP protocols like TCP or UDP, usually wrapped into a carrier protocol (such as SYSLOG).
A Service Provider interface located and loaded by ServiceLoader.
Utility functions for obtaining local system context such as local hostname or IP address
Java class for AuthnContextComparisonType.
Java class for AuthnContextType complex type.
Java class for AuthnQueryType complex type.
Java class for AuthnRequestType complex type.
Java class for AuthnStatementType complex type.
Represents the human or machine that created an entry.
Description of the enumeration AuthorizationIssueManagementCode.
Transforms between an Author instance and its representation in ebXML.
Java class for AuthRequest complex type.
Java class for AuthzDecisionQueryType complex type.
Java class for AuthzDecisionStatementType complex type.
Description of the enumeration AutomobileInsurancePolicy.
Describes the availability of an entry.
Extended AuditContext interface with properties required for IHE BALP.
Description of the enumeration BarDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration BarSoapDrugForm.
AuditMessage builder with some protected helper methods that are called by subclasses in order to add e.g. participants and participating objects of the audit event.
Java class for BaseIDAbstractType complex type.
Helper class to obtain details from IBaseOperationOutcome implementations independently of the actually used FHIR version.
Message Queue that sends off audit messages using a HTTP connection.
Java class for BatchRequest complex type.
Java class for null.
Java class for null.
Java class for null.
Java class for BatchResponse complex type.
Marker interface for whatever can appear in BatchResponse.batchResponses.
Intermediary representation of an HPD BatchResponse required because the JSON deserializer cannot handle lists of JAXBElements.
Request Factory for Batch/Transaction requests
Resource provider for batch requests or transaction requests
Builds an Audit Event representing a Begin Transferring DICOM Instances event as specified in
Description of the enumeration BehavioralHealthAndOrSocialServiceCounselorHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration BehavioralHealthAndOrSocialServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration BehavioralHealthandSocialServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration BiliaryRoute.
Description of the class BIN.
Description of the enumeration BinaryDataEncoding.
Description of the enumeration BiotherapeuticNonPersonLivingSubjectRoleType.
Java class for birthAddonDataType complex type.
Java class for birthDataType complex type.
Description of the class BL.
Description of the enumeration BlisterPackEntityType.
Description of the class BN.
Description of the enumeration BodySurfaceRoute.
Java class for BooleanFilterType complex type.
Description of the enumeration BottleEntityType.
Java class for BranchType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration BuccalMucosaRoute.
Description of the enumeration BuccalTablet.
Description of the enumeration BuildingNumber.
Description of the enumeration BuildingNumberSuffixByBOT.
BundleProfileSelector can be used as selector for FHIR Consumers in batch/transaction requests.
Description of the class BXITCD.
Description of the class BXITIVLPQ.
Special document content converter for Continua HRN request.
Description of the enumeration Cahitan.
Description of the enumeration Calendar.
Description of the enumeration CalendarCycle.
Description of the enumeration CalendarCycleOneLetter.
Description of the enumeration CalendarCycleTwoLetter.
Description of the enumeration CalendarType.
Description of the enumeration CaliforniaAthapaskan.
An audit message sender that sends audit messages to a configured Camel endpoint.
Java class for cancellationReasonType.
Java class for cantonAbbreviationType.
Java class for cantonFlAbbreviationType.
Description of the enumeration CapsuleDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration CardClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration CardiologySpecialistOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration CardiologyTechnicianHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration CaseTransmissionMode.
Description of the enumeration Catawba.
Description of the class CD.
Validates a ClinicalDocuments instance for conformity against CDA and/or CCD schema.
Description of the class CE.
Description of the enumeration CecostomyRoute.
Description of the enumeration CentralMuskogean.
Description of the enumeration CentralNumic.
Description of the enumeration CentralSalish.
Description of the enumeration CervicalRoute.
Definitions for the Swiss national profile "Authorization Decision Request" (CH:ADR).
Definitions for the Swiss profile "Privacy Policy Query" (PPQ).
Base for an element of a chain.
Base for an element of a chain.
Description of the enumeration Charset.
SEI for the CH:CIDD transaction (Swiss EPR extension: Community Information Delta Download)
SEI for the CH:CIQ transaction (Swiss EPR extension: Community Information Query)
Description of the enumeration Chew.
Description of the enumeration Child.
Description of the enumeration ChildInLaw.
Description of the enumeration Chimakuan.
Description of the enumeration ChiropractersHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration ChiropracticProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ChiropractorProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ChiwereWinnebago.
Query parameter validation to ensure that only one of the given parameters is specified.
SEI for the CH-PIDD transaction (Swiss HPD extension)
Description of the enumeration ChronicCareFacility.
Description of the enumeration ChronicDiseaseHospitalProviderCodes.
A SOAP exception for an unknown value set language.
Java class for civilDefenseDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ClaimantCoveredPartyRoleType.
Java class for ClassificationNodeQueryType complex type.
ClassificationNode is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Java class for ClassificationQueryType complex type.
Java class for ClassificationSchemeQueryType complex type.
ClassificationScheme is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Classification is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Validates a classification.
ResourceResolver used to correctly resolve import commands in xslt or xquery content.
Factory for creating a FHIR request using a FHIR client and a sequence of input data
Description of the enumeration ClinicalNurseSpecialistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration ClinicalNurseSpecialistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ClinicalResearchEventReason.
Description of the enumeration ClinicalResearchObservationReason.
Description of the enumeration ClinicCenterProviderCodes.
Base class for concrete closure adapters.
Integration profile for MHD-based CMPD transactions.
Definitions for the Community Medication Prescription and Dispense (CMPD) integration profile of the PHARM TF.
Description of the class CO.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04BirthPlace.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Citizen.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04ContactParty.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Employment.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Entity.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Guarantor.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Guardian.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Member.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04OtherIDs.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Person.
Description of the class COCTMT030000UV04Student.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVBirthPlace.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVCitizen.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVContactParty.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVEmployment.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVGuarantor.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVGuardian.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVLanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVMember.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVNonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVOtherIDs.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT030007UVStudent.
Description of the class COCTMT030202UV01Birthplace.
Description of the class COCTMT030202UV01Person.
Description of the class COCTMT030202UV01Place.
Description of the class COCTMT030203UV02LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT030203UV02Person.
Description of the class COCTMT030207UVLanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT030207UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT040008UVResponsible.
Description of the class COCTMT040203UV01NotificationParty.
Description of the class COCTMT050000UV01Patient.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Entity.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Escort.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Location.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Performer.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01RoleTransport.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Subject.
Description of the class COCTMT060000UV01Transportation.
Description of the class COCTMT070000UV01LocatedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVActRef.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVAdditive.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVAdditive2.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVAdditiveMaterial.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVAuthorOrPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVAutomationSpecimenObservationEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVContainer.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVContent1.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVContent3.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVContent4.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVCriterion.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVHolder.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVIdentifiedContainer.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVIdentifiedHolder.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVManufactured.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVNatural.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVNonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVPrecondition.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVProcess.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVProcessStep.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSpecimen.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSpecimenAlternateIdentifier.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSpecimenObservationEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSpecimenStub.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSubject1.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSubject2.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSubject3.
Description of the class COCTMT080000UVSubject4.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01AssignedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01Device.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01Group.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01LicensedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01Member.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01Person.
Description of the class COCTMT090000UV01RoleOther.
Description of the class COCTMT090002UV01AssignedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090002UV01Device.
Description of the class COCTMT090002UV01Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT090002UV01Person.
Description of the class COCTMT090003UV01AssignedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090003UV01Device.
Description of the class COCTMT090003UV01Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT090003UV01Person.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01AssignedPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01Group.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01LicensedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01Member.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01Person.
Description of the class COCTMT090100UV01RoleOther.
Description of the class COCTMT090102UV02AssignedPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT090102UV02Person.
Description of the class COCTMT090108UVAssignedPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT090108UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01AssignedDevice.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01Device.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01Group.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01LicensedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01Member.
Description of the class COCTMT090300UV01RoleOther.
Description of the class COCTMT090303UV01AssignedDevice.
Description of the class COCTMT090303UV01Device.
Description of the class COCTMT140007UVDevice.
Description of the class COCTMT150000UV02ContactParty.
Description of the class COCTMT150000UV02Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT150000UV02OrganizationContains.
Description of the class COCTMT150000UV02OrganizationPartOf.
Description of the class COCTMT150000UV02Person.
Description of the class COCTMT150002UV01Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT150003UV03ContactParty.
Description of the class COCTMT150003UV03Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT150003UV03Person.
Description of the class COCTMT150007UVContactParty.
Description of the class COCTMT150007UVOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT150007UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVAgency.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVApproval.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVAuthor.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVCharacteristic.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVContent.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVCountry.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVDistributedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVHolder.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVIngredient.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVManufacturer.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVMedication.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVMedicine.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVMedicineClass.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVMedicineManufacturer.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVObservationGoal.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVPackagedMedicine.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVPart.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVPolicy.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVRelatedManufacturer.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVRole.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSpecializedKind.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubContent.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubIngredient.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject1.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject11.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject14.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject15.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject16.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject2.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject22.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject25.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject3.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject4.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubject7.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubstance.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSubstanceManufacturer.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVSuperContent.
Description of the class COCTMT230100UVTerritorialAuthority.
Description of the class COCTMT240000UV01ServiceDeliveryLocation.
Description of the class COCTMT240003UV02ServiceDeliveryLocation.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVAssignedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVAuthor.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVConsumable.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVDetectedMedicationIssue.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVDetectedMedicationIssueDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVLocation.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVManagement.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVManufacturedMaterialKind.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVMitigates.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVOtherMedication.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVOtherSupply.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVPharmacy.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVSeverityObservation.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVSubject.
Description of the class COCTMT260003UVSubject2.
Description of the class COCTMT280000UV04CrossReference.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06AdministrativeDiagnosis.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06AdministrativeDiagnosisReference.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06AssignedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Author.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Author1.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Author2.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06BillableClinicalService.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06BillableModifier.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Component1.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Component2.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Consultant.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Device.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Device2.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06HealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06IndirectAuthorithyOver.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Injury.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06InjuryLocation.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06InjuryPlace.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Location.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Location1.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ManufacturedMaterial.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ManufacturedProductOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Origin.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06PatientCareProvisionRequest.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06PatientEncounter.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Performer.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06PresentingIndication.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Product1.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Product2.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ProviderPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Reason.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Reason1.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Reason3.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Reason4.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Reason5.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ResponsibleParty.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ReusableDevice.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06SecondaryPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06ServiceRequest.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Specimen.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06SpecimenCollectionEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Subject.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Subject2.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Subject3.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Subject5.
Description of the class COCTMT290000UV06Substitution.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Author.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Destination.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04HealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Location.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04ManufacturedMaterialKind.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04ManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Origin.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Performer1.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Performer2.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04PertinentInformation.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04PertinentInformation2.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04PrescriberPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04PrescriberRole.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Product.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Reason.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Reason2.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Subject.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04SubstanceAdministrationIntent.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04SubstanceAdministrationOrder.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04Substitution.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04SubstitutionRole.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04SupplyEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT300000UV04SupplyOrder.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04AccommodationRequested.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04AccommodationRequestorRole.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04AccomodationSupplied.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04AcommodationRequestor.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04Author.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04Encounter.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04Location.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04MedicalService.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04MinimumAvailableAccommodation.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04PertinentInformation1.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04PertinentInformation2.
Description of the class COCTMT310000UV04PertinentInformation3.
Description of the class COCTMT440001UVValuedItem.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04BillableClinicalProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Consultant.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04ContentPackagedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Destination.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Diagnosis.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04HealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Location.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04ManufacturedMaterial.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04ManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04ManufacturedProductOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Origin.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04PertinentInformation.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Product.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04ProviderPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Referrer.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04Warrantor.
Description of the class COCTMT490000UV04WarrantorOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04AccommodationCoverage.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04Author.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04Beneficiary.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04CarrierOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04CarrierRole.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04CoveredParty.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04EmployerOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04Employment.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04Holder.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04Limitation.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04PolicyHolder.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04PolicyHolderOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04PolicyHolderPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT500000UV04PolicyOrAccount.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Author2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Beneficiary.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Beneficiary2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Benefit.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Component.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Coverage2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoverageCharge.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoverageChargePolicy.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoverageDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoverageLimitObservation.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoveragePolicy.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoverageRecord.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoveredParty.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06CoveredParty2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Definition.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Definition3.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06DirectAuthorityOver.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06DirectAuthorityOver2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06DirectAuthorityOver3.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06DirectAuthorityOver4.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06EligibilityStatusObservation.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06FinancialParticipationCharge.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Holder.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06IndirectAuthorithyOver.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06IndirectAuthorithyOver2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Limitation.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Limitation2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Limitation3.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Organization.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Part.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Payor.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Person.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PolicyHolder.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PolicyOrProgram.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PolicyOrProgramFinancialLimit.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Precondition.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PreviousPolicyOrProgram.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06PrimaryPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Reference.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Reference2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06ReplacementOf.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06ResponsibleParty.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06ResponsibleParty2.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06ServiceDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Sponsor.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Subject.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Subject3.
Description of the class COCTMT510000UV06Underwriter.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVAct.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVActDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVActReference.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVAdministerableMaterial.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVAnimal.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVAuthor.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVBirthplace.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVComponent.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVConditions.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVConsumable.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVControlActEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVCriterion.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVDataEnterer.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVDefinition.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVDevice.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVEncounter.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVHealthCareFacility.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVInformant.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVLabeledDrug.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVLocation.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVMaterial.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVMaterialKind.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVMaterialKind2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVMaterialPart.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVObservation.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVObservationRange.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVOrganizer.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVPlace.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVPrecondition1.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVPrecondition2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVProcedure.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVProduct1.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVProduct2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVRecordTarget.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVReferenceRange.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVRelatedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVResponsibleParty1.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVResponsibleParty2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVRole.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSourceOf1.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSourceOf2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSourceOf3.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSubject1.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSubject2.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSubstanceAdministration.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVSupply.
Description of the class COCTMT530000UVVerifier.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Author.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Destination.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Diagnosis.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06HealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Location.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06ManufacturedProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Origin.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Performer.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06PertinentInformation.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06PertinentInformation1.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06PertinentInformation2.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06PrescriptionIntent.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06PrescriptionOrder.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Product.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06Product2.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06ProviderPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06SupplyEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06SupplyObservationEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06VisionPrescriptionObservationEvent.
Description of the class COCTMT600000UV06VisionProduct.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04Account.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04GuarantorLanguage.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04GuarantorOrganization.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04GuarantorPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04GuarantorRole.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04Holder.
Description of the class COCTMT670000UV04PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class COCTMT710000UV01LocatedEntityHasParts.
Description of the class COCTMT710000UV01LocatedEntityPartOf.
Description of the class COCTMT710000UV01Place.
Description of the class COCTMT710007UVLocatedEntity.
Description of the class COCTMT710007UVPlace.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Diagnosis.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04HealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Location.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04OralHealthService.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04OralHealthSubstanceAdministration.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Performer.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04PertinentInformation1.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04PertinentInformation2.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04ProviderPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Reference.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Referral.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04Referrer.
Description of the class COCTMT740000UV04ResponsibleParty.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVInformationProvision.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVInFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVPrimaryPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVSupport.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVVerification.
Description of the class COCTMT810000UVVerificationRequest.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVAssignedProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVCareProvision.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVHealthCareProvider.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVPerformer.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVPerson.
Description of the class COCTMT820000UVRoleOther.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Author.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Component1.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Component2.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Device1.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Device2.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05Position.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05PositionAccuracy.
Description of the class COCTMT960000UV05PositionCoordinate.
Represents a code.
Description of the enumeration CodeIsNotValid.
Description of the enumeration CodeSystem.
Description of the enumeration CodeSystemType.
Transforms between Code and its ebXML representation.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are Code-based.
Description of the enumeration CodingRationale.
Description of the enumeration CombinedPharmacyOrderSuspendReasonCode.
Interface for combined (XML Schema + Schematron) validation profiles.
XSD- and Schematron-based validator for HL7 v3 messages.
BeanDefinitionParser for Spring bean extensions
NamespaceHandler for Spring Beans
Description of the enumeration CommunicationFunctionType.
Java class for CompareRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration ComplianceAlert.
Description of the enumeration ComplianceDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration ComplianceDetectedIssueCodeDuplicateTherapyAlertByBOT.
Description of the enumeration CompliancePackageEntityType.
Java class for CompoundFilterType complex type.
Description of the enumeration CompressionAlgorithm.
Model of an SVS Concept
Description of the enumeration ConceptCodeRelationship.
Description of the enumeration ConceptGenerality.
Model of an SVS ConceptList
Description of the enumeration ConceptPropertyId.
Description of the enumeration ConceptStatus.
Java class for ConditionAbstractType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Conditional.
Description of the enumeration ConditionDetectedIssueCode.
Condition Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Java class for ConditionsType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Confidentiality.
Description of the enumeration ConfidentialityByAccessKind.
Description of the enumeration ConfidentialityByInfoType.
Description of the enumeration ConfidentialityModifiers.
Base interface to implement for any custom configurers.
Simple validation rule builder that just uses a conformance profile to validate against a message that is allowed for a defined set of HL7v2 based IHE transactions.
Factory for manually triggering a validation of a message depending on a profile or a defined IHETransaction.
Description of the enumeration ConrolActNullificationReasonCode.
Description of the enumeration ConsultedPrescriberManagementCode.
Consumer-side Camel interceptor which creates a Message from various possible response types.
Consumer-side FHIR ATNA auditing Camel interceptor.
Consumer-side ATNA auditing Camel interceptor.
Interceptor that handles any MllpAuthenticationFailure that occurred while processing an exchange.
Interceptor which dispatches an incoming request message to another MLLP route.
Consumer-side MLLP interceptor which stores incoming payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Consumer-side interceptor for interactive continuation support as described in paragraph 5.6.3 of the HL7 v2.5 specification.
Consumer-side HL7 marshaling/unmarshaling interceptor.
Consumer-side MLLP interceptor which stores outgoing payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Server-side handler of pagination controls.
Consumer-side interceptor for request message acceptance checking.
Consumer-side interceptor for receiving unsolicited request fragments as described in paragraph of the HL7 v.2.5 specification.
Interceptor that adds the HL7InteractionId to the camel headers
Consumer-side interceptor for response message acceptance checking.
Consumer-side HL7v2 interceptor which echoes one segment from the request message in the corresponding response message.
Server-side handler of sorting controls.
Consumer-side MLLP interceptor that sets character encoding configured for the given endpoint, and handles segment fragmentation (\rADD|...).
Java class for contactDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ContactRoleType.
Description of the enumeration ContainerCap.
Description of the enumeration ContainerSeparator.
Content map based on Spring type conversion framework.
Description of the enumeration ContentProcessingMode.
Description of the enumeration ContextControl.
Description of the enumeration ContextControlAdditive.
Description of the enumeration ContextControlNonPropagating.
Description of the enumeration ContextControlOverriding.
Description of the enumeration ContextControlPropagating.
Facade to an active registry, providing static access to their registered beans.
Validating and transformation processors for the Continua HRN transaction.
Description of the enumeration ContractorProviderCodes.
Java class for Control complex type.
Description of the enumeration ControlledSubstanceMonitoringProtocol.
JSON deserializer for List<Control>.
JSON serializer for List<Control>.
Methods for mapping of Controls to and from DSMLv2 and Strings.
Abstract class that serializes parsing, translating and rendering steps.
Adapts a Converter.
Description of the enumeration Coosan.
This is called upon initialization of the Groovy API extensions for Camel.
Description of the enumeration CounselorProviderCodes.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for countryShortType complex type.
Java class for countryType complex type.
Description of the enumeration CoverageEligibilityReason.
Description of the enumeration CoverageRoleType.
Description of the enumeration CoverageSponsorRoleType.
Description of the class CR.
Description of the enumeration CreamDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration CreditCard.
Description of the enumeration Cree.
Description of the class CS.
Description of the enumeration Cupan.
Description of the enumeration Currency.
Uses a singleton instance of the most recent DICOM version that has relevant changes to the audit message format.
Description of the enumeration CustodialCareFacilityProviderCodes.
Audit Message builder used to build custom audit messages
This class should be used to define the custom mappings in the spring context definition.
Configurer used to add all CustomMappings bean occurrences from the spring application context to the provided SpringBidiMappingService.
Component for custom MLLP components.
This class should be used to define the custom HL7 model classes in the spring context definition.
CustomModelClassFactory implementation that exposes the delegate ModelClassFactory
Configurer used to configure all CustomModelClasses bean occurrences in the spring application context.
Utilities to work with custom HAPI class definitions.
RouteBuilders, Interceptors, ExceptionClauses should extend this class in order to be picked up and configured/customized from the CustomRouteBuilderConfigurer.
Configurer used to autowire all classes extending the CustomRouteBuilder abstract class.
TlsParameters that can be set independently of the system properties.
CXF Interceptor to add custom static URL parameters to the SOAP Client Request.
Validation loader that first tries to load a custom structure definition before falling back to the default.
Description of the class CV.
Java class for CV complex type.
Description of the enumeration CVDiagTherPracticeSetting.
According to ITI TF CP-510, SOAP Action should be ignored.
Assigning Authority for the CXi data type, allowing both the Namespace ID and the combination of Universal ID and Universal ID Type.
Validates a CXi value (special CX used for Reference IDs).
Validates a CX value.
Description of the enumeration Dakotan.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Data Export event as specified in
Builds an Audit Event representing a Data Export event as specified in
Description of the enumeration DataTypeAddressPart.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeAnnotated.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeAnnotatedConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeAnnotatedPhysicalQuantity.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeBag.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeBagOfConceptDescriptors.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeBagOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeBinaryData.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeBoolean.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeCharacterString.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeCodedSimpleValue.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeCodedValue.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeCodedWithEquivalents.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeConceptRole.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeEncodedData.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeEventRelatedInterval.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeGeneralTimingSpecification.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeHistorical.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeHistoricalAddress.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeHistoryOfAddress.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeInstanceIdentifier.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeIntegerNumber.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeInterval.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeIntervalOfIntegerNumbers.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeIntervalOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeIntervalOfPointsInTime.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeIntervalOfRealNumbers.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeMonetaryAmount.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeNonParametricProbabilityDistribution.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeNonParametricProbabilityDistributionOfConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeNonParametricProbabilityDistributionOfIntervalOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeObjectIdentifier.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeOrganizationName.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeParametricProbabilityDistribution.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeParametricProbabilityDistributionOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeParametricProbabilityDistributionOfRealNumbers.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePeriodicIntervalOfTime.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePersonNamePart.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePersonNameType.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePhysicalQuantity.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePointInTime.
Description of the enumeration DataTypePostalAndResidentialAddress.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeRatio.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeRealNumber.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequence.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfBinaryData.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfBooleans.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfCharacterStrings.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfEncodedData.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfPersonNameParts.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfPostalAddressParts.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfSequenceOfBooleans.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSequenceOfSequencesOfDataValues.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSet.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfAddresses.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfCharacterStrings.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfCodedSimpleValue.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfCodedValue.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfCodedWithEquivalents.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfConceptDescriptors.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfHistoricalAddresses.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfIntegerNumbers.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfIntervalsOfPhysicalQuantitiy.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfPointsInTime.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfRealNumbers.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfSequencesOfCharacterStrings.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfUncertainProbabilisticConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfUncertainProbabilisticIntervalOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeSetOfUncertainValueProbabilistic.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeTelecommunicationAddress.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUncertainNarrativeConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUncertainProbabilisticConceptDescriptor.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUncertainProbabilisticIntervalOfPhysicalQuantities.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUncertainValueNarrative.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUncertainValueProbabilistic.
Description of the enumeration DataTypeUniversalResourceLocator.
Java class for datePartiallyKnownType complex type.
Java class for DateTimeFilterType complex type.
Java class for deathDataType complex type.
Java class for deathPeriodType complex type.
Description of the enumeration DecisionObservationMethod.
Java class for DecisionType.
Description of the enumeration DedicatedNonClinicalLocationRoleType.
Default implementation of an AuditContext.
Default implementation, using the current host name, process ID, timestamp and "IPF" and sending application.
Default implementation of a BalpAuditContext.
Provider of SSLContextParameters that default to the global settings based on the system properties
Fixes, which misses to properly encode segment terminator characters.
Default implementation of FhirRegistry
Default Implementation of a NamingSystem that loads and parses a Bundle of NamingSystem resources using a Reader or from a FHIR server.
Default URI Mapper implementation that requires a MappingService for URI-to-OID translation
Validation Handler
Camel component used to create process incoming exchanges based on webservice calls.
Description of the enumeration Delawaran.
An ProcessorReifier that combines the Processor created by DelegateReifier.doCreateDelegate() and the child processor created by ProcessorReifier.createChildProcessor(boolean) into a Pipeline.
Java class for DelegateType complex type.
An aggregation strategy that delegates to a Closure.
AuditMessageBuilder that wraps a DICOM BaseAuditMessageBuilder or a subclass thereof.
An expression that delegates to a Closure
An expression that delegates to a Closure
A processor that delegates to a Closure
A transmogrifier that delegates to a Closure.
A validator that delegates to a Closure.
Java class for DelegationRestrictionType complex type.
Java class for DeletePolicyRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration DeliveryAddressLine.
Java class for DelRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration DeltaCalifornia.
Description of the enumeration DentalProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration DentalServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration DentistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration DentistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration DependentCoveredPartyRoleType.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration DermatologyProviderCodes.
Java class for destinationType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Simplified model of a device.
Description of the enumeration DeviceAlertLevel.
Description of the enumeration Dhegiha.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
DiagnosticReport Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration DiagTherPracticeSetting.
CP 1362: Correct AuditSourceIdentification in DICOM audit message Correct AuditSourceIdentification in DICOM audit message
CP 1638: Unify encoding of code values in DICOM audit message
Parses XML-formatted Audit messages as written by DICOM2017c
Builder for building IHE-specific event if SOP Instances from a specific study are created, modified or accessed.
Builds an Audit Event representing a DICOM Instances Accessed event as specified in
Builder for building IHE-specific event if Instances for a particular study have been stored on this system.
Builds an Audit Event representing a DICOM Instances Transferred event as specified in
Builds an Audit Event representing a DICOM Study Deleted event as specified in
Description of the enumeration Diegueno.
Description of the enumeration DietaryandNutritionalServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration DietaryAndOrNutritionalServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration DietitianRegisteredProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration Diffusion.
Interceptor which sets a context property to disable stopping collecting payload in the OutPayloadExtractorInterceptor.
Description of the enumeration DiseaseProgram.
Description of the enumeration Dissolve.
Represents the contents of a document and the describing entry.
Description of the enumeration DocumentCompletion.
Represents an XDS document entry according to the IHE XDS specification.
Transforms between a DocumentEntry and its ebXML representation.
Type of a document entry.
Query parameter validation for $XDSDocumentEntryType.
Contains a reference to a single document in an XDS repository.
Abstract stored query for documents.
Description of the enumeration DocumentStorage.
Description of the enumeration DocumentStorageActive.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Pool for DOM document builders (which are not thread-safe).
Description of the enumeration DosageProblem.
Description of the enumeration DosageProblemDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseDurationDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseDurationHighDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseDurationLowDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseHighDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseIntervalDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration DoseLowDetectedIssueCode.
The Class DoubleAdapter.
Description of the enumeration Douche.
Java class for DownloadRequest complex type.
Java class for DownloadRequest complex type.
Java class for DownloadResponse complex type.
Java class for DownloadResponse complex type.
Description of the enumeration DropsDrugForm.
Java class for DsmlAttr complex type.
Java class for DsmlMessage complex type.
Java class for DsmlModification complex type.
Java class for null.
Java class for DsmlValue simple type.
Description of the enumeration DuplicateTherapyAlert.
Description of the enumeration DurableMedicalEquipmentandMedicalSuppliesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration DurableMedicalEquipmentAndOrMedicalSupplySupplierHIPAA.
Java class for dwellingAddressType complex type.
DSL extensions implementing this marker interface can be auto discovered by IPF's extension configuration framework.
Configurer used to autowire all classes implementing the DynamicExtension interface using Groovy 2.x Extension Modules
Simple Bundle provider that fetches ALL results and caches them as soon as one of EagerBundleProvider.size() or EagerBundleProvider.getResources(int, int) is called.
Description of the enumeration EasternAlgonquin.
Description of the enumeration EasternApachean.
Description of the enumeration EasternMiwok.
Camel type converters for EbXML 3.0.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for AdhocQueryRequest.
Encapsulation of AdhocQueryRequest.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for AssociationType1.
Encapsulation of AssociationType1.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for ClassificationType.
Encapsulation of ClassificationType.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for ExternalIdentifierType.
Encapsulation of ExternalIdentifierType.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for ExtrinsicObjectType.
Encapsulation of ExtrinsicObjectType.
Serves as a factory for ebXML objects.
Factory for EbXML 3.0 objects.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for InternationalStringType.
Encapsulation of InternationalStringType.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType and RemoveDocumentsRequestType.
The ebXML 3.0 version of the EbXMLNonconstructiveDocumentSetRequest.
Provides functionality for containers of various ebXML objects.
Base class for requests and responses that contain various ebXML 3.0 objects.
A container of objects used for resolving object references and their ids.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for AdhocQueryResponse.
Encapsulation of AdhocQueryResponse.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RegistryEntryType and RegistryObjectType.
Encapsulation of RegistryObjectType.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RegistryPackageType.
Encapsulation for RegistryPackageType.
Represents a ebXML RegistryResponseType.
The ebXML 3.0 version of the EbXMLRegistryResponse.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RemoveObjectsRequest.
Encapsulation of RemoveObjectsRequest
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType.
The ebXML 3.0 version of the EbXMLRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequestType.
The ebXML 3.0 version of the EbXMLRetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequest.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for SlotType1.
Encapsulation of SlotType1.
Provides access to slots and their values.
Represents a list of slots.
Encapsulation of the ebXML classes for SubmitObjectsRequest.
Encapsulation of SubmitObjectsRequest
Description of the enumeration ECGObservationSeriesType.
Port type for eCH-0213 request "Manage SPID".
Port type for eCH-0214 request "Query SPID".
Description of the class ED.
Description of the enumeration EditStatus.
Description of the enumeration EducationLevel.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Description of the class EIVLEvent.
Description of the class EIVLPPDTS.
Description of the class EIVLTS.
Description of the enumeration ElectroOsmosisRoute.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration EmergencyMedicalServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration EmergencyMedicalServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration EmergencyMedicineProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration EmergencyPharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration EmployeeJobClass.
Description of the class EN.
Description of the enumeration EncounterAdmissionSource.
Encounter Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration EncounterSpecialCourtesy.
Java class for EncryptedElementType complex type.
Description of the class EnDelimiter.
Description of the enumeration EndocervicalRoute.
Description of the enumeration EndocrinologyClinic.
Description of the enumeration Enema.
Description of the class EnFamily.
Description of the class EnGiven.
Description of the class EnPrefix.
Description of the class EnSuffix.
Description of the enumeration EnteralRoute.
Description of the enumeration EntericCoatedCapsule.
Description of the enumeration EntericCoatedTablet.
Description of the enumeration EntityClass.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassContainer.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassDevice.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassLivingSubject.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassManufacturedMaterial.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassMaterial.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassNonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassOrganization.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassPlace.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassRoot.
Description of the enumeration EntityClassState.
Description of the enumeration EntityDeterminer.
Description of the enumeration EntityDeterminerDetermined.
Description of the enumeration EntityHandling.
Description of the enumeration EntityNamePartQualifier.
Description of the enumeration EntityNamePartType.
Description of the enumeration EntityNameSearchUse.
Description of the enumeration EntityNameUse.
Description of the enumeration EntityRisk.
Description of the enumeration EntityStatus.
Description of the enumeration EntityStatusNormal.
Represents an EnumeratedValueSet and serves as delegate to a CodedValueType.
This interface is intended to be implemented by enum classes in order to provide a set of code values.
Description of the class ENXP.
Description of the enumeration EpiduralRoute.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration EquipmentAlertLevel.
Description of the enumeration ERPracticeSetting.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Error codes specified by the XDS specification.
Contains information about an error.
Transforms between lists of ErrorInfo objects and their ebXML representations.
Java class for ErrorResponse complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for null.
Description of the enumeration Ethnicity.
Description of the enumeration EthnicityHispanic.
Description of the enumeration EthnicityHispanicCentralAmerican.
Description of the enumeration EthnicityHispanicMexican.
Description of the enumeration EthnicityHispanicSouthAmerican.
Description of the enumeration EthnicityHispanicSpaniard.
Event Action codes as originally specified by and now maintained in This value set is a literal part of the audit schema, i.e. no other codes may be used.
Audit Event ID Code as specified in 1.2.840.10008.6.1.903
Event Outcome Indicator codes as originally specified by and now maintained in This value set is a literal part of the audit schema, ie.e. no other codes may be used.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Audit Event Type Code as specified in 1.2.840.10008.6.1.904 and 1.2.840.10008.6.1.906
Java class for EvidenceType complex type.
Utility related to Camel Exchanges.
Description of the enumeration ExpectedSubset.
Description of the enumeration ExposureMode.
Interface for resolving expressions generating file paths
Utility related to Camel Expressions.
Description of the enumeration ExtendedReleaseCapsule.
Description of the enumeration ExtendedReleaseSuspension.
Description of the enumeration ExtendedReleaseTablet.
Java class for ExtendedRequest complex type.
Java class for ExtendedResponse complex type.
Description of the enumeration Extensibility.
Extension module that wraps the registration inside logging statements so that the extension process can be observed if necessary.
Java class for ExtensionsType complex type.
Java class for ExtensionsType complex type.
Java class for ExternalIdentifierQueryType complex type.
ExternalIdentifier is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Validates an external identifier.
Java class for ExternalLinkQueryType complex type.
ExternalLink is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration ExtraAmnioticRoute.
Description of the enumeration ExtracorporealCirculationRoute.
Extracts a piece of information from an object addressed by a expression
Interface for XDS objects which can have extra metadata slots.
Java class for ExtrinsicObjectQueryType complex type.
ExtrinsicObject is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration EyeandVisionServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration EyeAndVisionServiceProviderTechnicianAndOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration FamilyMember.
Description of the enumeration FamilyMemberAunt.
Description of the enumeration FamilyMemberCousin.
Description of the enumeration FamilyMemberUncle.
Description of the enumeration FamilyPracticeProviderCodes.
CXF interceptor which provides the message with a property that is evaluated when creating fault details
Java class for FederationQueryType complex type.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Represents a stored query Cross-Community Fetch.
Transforms between a FetchQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Generic audit dataset for FHIR-based IHE transactions.
Marker interface for FHIR audit dataset enrichers.
Interface for FHIR ATNA audit dataset enrichers.
Camel processors for translation of messages between FHIR and something else
Factory class for creating validating processors for FHIR resources.
Abstract FHIR Camel component
Base class for FHIR components offering a options and optionsProvider endpoint parameters
FHIR consumer, which is an implementation of a RequestConsumer that handles requests by sending the request data and parameters into a Camel route and returning the result of the route processing.
Customizer that can be used to manipulate auto-configured FhirContext beans, e.g. to assign different HTTP client factories, Narrative generators, etc.
Thread-local holder for a FhirContext instance
Provide a FhirContext instance for a given FHIR version
ThreadLocalAccessor for a FhirContextHolder.
Generic FHIR endpoint
Configuration of a FHIR endpoint instance
Customizer that can be used to manipulate auto-configured CustomMappings bean, e.g. to add further mapping resources, that may override the default mappings
ParticipantObjectIdTypeCodes for the FHIR transactions in this module
Base class for all Resource Providers defined in IPF
Generic Audit Dataset for FHIR Query-only transactions
Generic Audit Strategy for FHIR query transactions
Keeps track of RequestConsumer and IpfFhirServlet and connects them to each other.
Extension of FhirSearchParameters that add sorting capabilities.
Implementations of this interface encapsulate search parameters for Search transactions.
Static configuration for FHIR transaction components
Instances of FhirTransactionValidator are used in order to have FHIR request and response validated.
Common utilities for handling FHIR resources
Java class for Filter complex type.
Java class for FilterQueryType complex type.
Java class for FilterSet complex type.
Java class for FilterType complex type.
Represents a stored query for FindDispensesQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a Multi-Patient stored query for FindDocuments by Reference ID.
Represents a stored query for FindDocumentsByReferenceIdQuery.
Represents a Multi-Patient stored query for FindDocuments.
Represents a stored query for FindDocuments.
Transforms between a FindDocumentsQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a Multi-Patient stored query for FindFolders.
Represents a stored query for FindFolders.
Transforms between a FindFoldersQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationAdministrationsQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationListQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationTreatmentPlansQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsForDispenseQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsForValidationQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsQuery (PHARM-1).
Represents a stored query for FindSubmissionSets.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for fireServiceDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration FirstFillCompletePharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration FirstFillPartialPharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration FirstFillPharmacySupplyType.
Workaround for a compatibility issue with Axis 2 0.9x.
Java class for FloatFilterType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Flush.
Description of the enumeration FoamDrugForm.
Represents an XDS folder according to the IHE XDS specification.
Transforms between a Folder and its ebXML 2.1 representation.
Description of the enumeration FontStyle.
Java class for foreignerNameType complex type.
Description of the enumeration FosterChild.
Helper methods for segment fragmentation, unsolicited request fragmentation, and interactive response continuation in HL7v2-based transactions.
Description of the enumeration GasDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration GasLiquidMixture.
Description of the enumeration GasSolidSpray.
Description of the enumeration GastricRoute.
Description of the enumeration GelDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration GenderStatus.
Description of the enumeration GeneralAcuteCareHospital.
Description of the enumeration GeneralAcuteCareHospitalProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration GeneralAcuteCareHospitalWomen.
Java class for generalPlaceType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Audit dataset that supports generic FHIR transactions (general REST API) for which there is no explicit ATNA record format defined.
Builder for audit events related to generic FHIR transactions, using the resource type and operation type for the participants.
Generic Audit Strategy for FHIR interfaces.
Generic ITI-44 port type for PIX Feed.
Generic extractor of patient references, independent of the FHIR resource and version
Description of the enumeration GenericUpdateReasonCode.
Description of the enumeration GenitourinaryRoute.
Represents a stored query for GetAll.
Transforms between a GetAllQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for GetAssociations.
Base class for queries that are defined by: a UUID or unique ID a list of format codes a list of confidentiality codes
Base class of transformers for GetByIdAndCodesQuery.
Base class for queries that are defined by a list of UUIDs or unique IDs.
Base class for queries that are defined by a list of UUIDs.
Base class of transformers for GetByUuidQuery.
Represents a stored query for GetDocumentsAndAssociations.
Represents a stored query for GetDocuments.
Transforms between a GetDocumentsQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for GetFolderAndContents.
Represents a stored query for GetFoldersForDocument.
Represents a stored query for GetFolders.
Transforms between a GetFoldersQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Base class for queries that retrieve results via a document entry.
Base class for transformers based on GetFromDocumentQuery.
Represents a stored query for GetRelatedDocuments.
Transforms between a GetDocumentsQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for GetSubmissionSetAndContents.
Represents a stored query for GetSubmissionSets.
Description of the enumeration GIClinicPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration GIDiagTherPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration GingivalRoute.
Description of the class GLISTPQ.
Description of the class GLISTTS.
Description of the enumeration GrandChild.
Description of the enumeration Grandparent.
Description of the enumeration GreatGrandparent.
Description of the enumeration GroupProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration GTSAbbreviation.
Description of the enumeration GTSAbbreviationHolidays.
Description of the enumeration GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman.
Description of the enumeration GTSAbbreviationHolidaysUSNational.
Java class for guardianMeasureInfoType complex type.
Java class for guardianRelationshipType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration HairRoute.
Description of the enumeration HalfSibling.
Client-side interceptor that contributes to the AuditDataset once the final URI has been constructed.
This factory creates HapiContext instances that are required to derive ModelClassFactory and ValidationContext valid for the given HL7v2 transaction.
Validates a hash code for compliance with RFC 3174.
Validator for HL7 v2 HD elements.
Java class for headerType complex type.
Utilities for handling HTTP and SOAP headers in Web Service interactions.
Description of the enumeration HealthcareProviderAgencyHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration HealthInformationSpecialistOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration HealthInformationTechnicianHIPAA.
Java class for healthInsuranceDataType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration HeightSurfaceAreaAlert.
Description of the enumeration HemClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration HL7AccommodationCode.
Description of the enumeration HL7CommitteeIDInRIM.
Description of the enumeration HL7ConformanceInclusion.
Correlation Manager used when duplexing message over a single Netty connection.
Description of the enumeration HL7DefinedRoseProperty.
Exception thrown on problems while processing HL7 DSL expressions
HL7 timestamps (data type DTM) with particular precision, normalized to UTC.
This is called upon initialization of the Groovy API extensions for Camel.
Description of the enumeration HL7ITSVersionCode.
HL7MessageConverter helps serializing a HL7 message to and from a string for the purpose of routing it through a JMS queue.
Description of the enumeration HL7StandardVersionCode.
Description of the enumeration HL7UpdateMode.
Factory class for commonly used HL7-related expressions, predicates and processors.
An exception class for HL7v2 acceptance checks.
An exception class for HL7v2 message adapting.
An XDS model object backed up by an HL7 v2 element.
Fake enclosing element for an HL7 v2 sub-component, necessary for correct rendering and parsing.
Interface for Camel components which handle HL7v2 messages, independent of transport protocol.
Interface for endpoints that handle HL7v2 transactions
HL7v2Exception extends RuntimeException so it need not to be caught.
HL7v2 Transaction ID
Various helper methods for data transformation.
Endpoint-agnostic parameters of an HL7v2-based transaction.
Camel endpoint implementation for asynchronous response receivers of HL7v3-based IHE components.
Service factory for receivers of asynchronous XCPD responses.
Generic audit dataset for IHE PIX/PDQ v3 transactions.
Factory for HL7 v3 Web Service clients.
Base class for all Camel components implementing IHE HL7v3 transactions
Camel endpoint implementation for HL7v3-based IHE components with interactive response continuation support.
Generic Web Service port type for HL7 v3-based IHE components with continuations support.
Special factory for HL7 v3 Deferred Response senders.
Camel endpoint implementation for HL7v3-based IHE components.
EventTypes for the MLLP transactions in this module#
ParticipantObjectIdTypes for the MLLP transactions in this module
Factory for HL7 v3 Web Services.
Description of the enumeration HomeAddressUse.
Validator for home community ID attribute in stored queries.
Validates a homeCommunityId attribute.
Description of the enumeration Homeless.
Description of the enumeration HospitalPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration HospitalsProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration HospitalUnitPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration HospitalUnitsProviderCodes.
ParticipantObjectIdTypeCodes for the HPD transactions in this module
Description of the enumeration HtmlLinkType.
Helper class, combining HttpClientBuilder and PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder; also adding some convenience methods
Description of the enumeration HumanSubstanceAdministrationSite.
Description of the class HXITCE.
Description of the class HXITPQ.
Description of the enumeration ICUPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration IDClinPracticeSetting.
Represents a person ID (HL7v2 CX field where only CX.1, CX.4.2 and CX.4.3 are allowed), or an XDS "Coded String".
Common base type for all types that have unique identity.
Validator for data type "Identifier"
Java class for IDPEntryType complex type.
Java class for IDPListType complex type.
Supplier of FHIR contexts that use Implementation Guides for validation of resources.
Validator which uses Implementation Guides to validate FHIR resources.
Builder for IHE-/FHIR-based AuditLogUsed events
Base class for building DICOM audit messages as specified in the various IHE transactions.
Custom IHE Event IDs
Description of the class II.
Java class for II complex type.
Description of the enumeration ImageMediaType.
Immunization Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration Implantation.
Description of the enumeration InactiveEditStatus.
Description of the enumeration IncidentalServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType.
Description of the enumeration InclusionNotMandatory.
Description of the enumeration InclusionNotRequired.
Description of the enumeration IndividualInsuredCoveredPartyRoleType.
Description of the enumeration IndividualPackageEntityType.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for infoType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration Infusion.
Description of the enumeration InhalantDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration Inhalation.
Description of the enumeration InhalerMedicalDevice.
Description of the enumeration Injection.
Description of the enumeration InjectionMedicalDevice.
CXF interceptor which inserts XML namespace declarations from incoming SOAP Envelope and SOAP Body elements into the String payload.
CXF interceptor that saves String payload of the incoming SOAP message body into the CXF message.
CXF interceptor which inserts data of String content type (it is supposed to be the XML payload of the incoming message) into the list of an operation's parameters or response values.
CXF interceptor which stores incoming HTTP payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Description of the enumeration Insertion.
Description of the enumeration Instillation.
Description of the enumeration Institution.
Description of the class INT.
Java class for IntegerFilterType complex type.
Interface for collections of InteractionIds
Description of the enumeration IntegrityCheckAlgorithm.
Description of the enumeration InteractionDetectedIssueCode.
eHealth interaction ID.
Interface for storages of HL7 v2 interactive continuation fragments.
Description of the enumeration InterameningealRoute.
Abstract base class for components that use the Interceptor framework defined in this module
Interface for endpoints that use the Interceptor framework defined in this module.
Abstract base class for configuration for InterceptableEndpoint that use the Interceptor framework defined in this module
Generic interceptor interface implementing a Camel Processor that supports internal ordering via the Chainable interface
Adapter for interceptors which allows them to be exposed as Camel Producers.
Factory creating an Interceptor
Optional Bridging from InterceptorFactory to a Spring FactoryBean.
Trivial InterceptorFactory that calls Class.newInstance()
Convenience implementation of Interceptor for inheritance
Helper methods for handling user-defined custom interceptors.
Description of the enumeration InteriorSalish.
Description of the enumeration InternalMedicineProviderCodes.
Java class for InternationalStringBranchType complex type.
Java class for InternationalStringType complex type.
Description of the enumeration InterstitialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraabdominalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraarterialInjection.
Description of the enumeration IntraarterialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraarticularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrabronchialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrabursalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracardiacInjection.
Description of the enumeration IntracardiacRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracartilaginousRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracaudalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracavernosalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracavitaryRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracerebralRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracervicalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracisternalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracornealRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracoronalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracoronaryInjection.
Description of the enumeration IntracoronaryRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntracorpusCavernosumRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntradermalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntradiscalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraductalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraduodenalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraduralRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraepidermalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraepithelialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraesophagealRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntragastricRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrailealRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntralesionalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraluminalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntralymphaticRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntramedullaryRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntramuscularInjection.
Description of the enumeration IntraocularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraosseousRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraovarianRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrapericardialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraperitonealRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrapleuralRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraprostaticRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrapulmonaryRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrasinalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraspinalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrasternalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrasynovialRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratendinousRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratesticularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrathecalRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrathoracicRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratrachealRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratubularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratumorRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntratympanicRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntrauterineRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntravascularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntravenousInfusion.
Description of the enumeration IntravenousInjection.
Description of the enumeration IntravenousRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntraventricularRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntravesicleRoute.
Description of the enumeration IntravitrealRoute.
Description of the enumeration InuitInupiaq.
Description of the enumeration InvoiceElementAdjudicated.
Description of the enumeration InvoiceElementPaid.
Description of the enumeration InvoiceElementSubmitted.
Description of the enumeration IontophoresisRoute.
Configure a basic IPF setup, mostly configuring HL7v2 and Mapping stuff
HAPI FHIR RestfulServer implementation, adding a few configuration bits using servlet init parameters: logging (boolean): add global logging interceptor highlight (boolean): add response formatting if request was issued from a browser pretty (boolean): pretty-print the response pagingProviderSize (integer): maximum number of concurrent paging requests strict (boolean): strict parsing, i.e. return error on invalid resources
Configure a basic IPF setup, mostly configuring HL7v2 and Mapping stuff
Configure a basic IPF setup, mostly configuring HL7v2 and Mapping stuff
Configure a basic IPF setup, mostly configuring HL7v2 and Mapping stuff
Description of the enumeration Iroquoian.
Description of the enumeration Irrigation.
Description of the enumeration IrrigationSolution.
Description of the enumeration IssueFilterCode.
Component for MHD Simplified Publish (ITI-105)
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-105) based on creating a DocumentReference resource
A ClientRequestFactory for ITI-105 requests
Standard Configuration for Iti105Component.
Validator for ITI-105 transactions.
Camel component for ITI-10 (PIX Update Notification).
Strategy for auditing ITI-119 transactions on the client side
Request Factory for Iti-119 requests
Component for PDQm Match (ITI-119)
PDQm Match endpoint (ITI-119)
Resource Provider for PDQm Match (ITI-119) for R4
Strategy for auditing ITI-119 transactions on the server side
Standard Configuration for Iti119Component.
Client audit strategy for ITI-18.
The Camel component for the ITI-18 transaction.
Provides the ITI-18 web-service interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-18 transaction (Registry Stored Query).
Client audit strategy for ITI-21 (PDQ).
Camel component for ITI-21 (PDQ).
Client audit strategy for ITI-21 (PDQ).
Camel component for ITI-22 (PDQ).
Camel component for ITI-30 (Patient Identity Management).
Options for ITI-30
Camel component for ITI-31 (Patient Encounter Management).
The Camel component for the ITI-38 (XCA) async response.
ITI-38 Service Endpoint Interface for Asynchronous Response receiver
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-38 (XCA) asynchronous response.
The Camel component for the ITI-38 transaction.
ITI-38 Service Endpoint Interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-38 transaction.
The Camel component for the ITI-39 (XCA) async response.
ITI-39 SEI for asynchronous response receiver.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-39 (XCA) asynchronous response.
Client audit strategy for ITI-39.
The Camel component for the ITI-39 transaction.
Server audit strategy for ITI-39.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-39 transaction.
The Camel component for the ITI-41 (XDS) async response.
ITI-41 Service Endpoint Interface for Asynchronous Response receiver
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-41 asynchronous response.
Client audit strategy for ITI-41.
The Camel component for the ITI-41 transaction.
Provides the ITI-41 web-service interface.
Server audit strategy for ITI-41.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-41 transaction (Provide and Register Document Set).
Client audit strategy for ITI-42.
The Camel component for the ITI-42 transaction.
Provides the ITI-42 web-service interface.
Server audit strategy for ITI-42.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-42 transaction (Register Document Set).
Client audit strategy for ITI-43.
The Camel component for the ITI-43 transaction.
Provides the ITI-43 web-service interface.
Server audit strategy for ITI-43.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-43 transaction (Retrieve Document Set).
The Camel component for the ITI-44 transaction (PIX Feed v3).
ITI-44 port type for PIX Feed.
Producer implementation for the ITI-44 component (PIX Feed v3).
Generic service class for the IHE ITI-44 transaction.
The Camel component for the ITI-44 transaction (XDS.b).
ITI-44 port type for XDS.
The Camel component for the ITI-45 transaction (PIX v3).
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-45 transaction (PIX Query v3).
The Camel component for the ITI-46 transaction (PIX v3).
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-46 transaction (PIX Update Notification v3).
The Camel component for the ITI-47 transaction (PDQ v3).
Continuation-Aware service implementation for the IHE ITI-47 transaction (PDQ v3).
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-47 transaction (PDQ v3).
Audit strategy for ITI-48.
The Camel component for the ITI-48 transaction.
Provides the ITI-48 web-service interface (SOAP binding).
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-48 transaction (Retrieve Value Set).
Base audit strategy for ITI-51.
The Camel component for the ITI-51 transaction.
Provides the ITI-51 web-service interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-51 transaction (Registry Stored Query).
Camel component for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receivers of asynchronous responses).
SEI for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor: receiver of WSA asynchronous responses.
Service implementation for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receiver of asynchronous responses).
The Camel component for the ITI-55 transaction (XCPD).
Camel component for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receivers of deferred responses).
SEI for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor: receiver of Deferred responses.
Service implementation for the ITI-55 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receiver of deferred responses).
SEI for XCPD ITI-55 -- Cross Gateway Patient Discovery.
Service implementation for the Responding Gateway actor of the IHE ITI-55 transaction (XCPD) with support for the Deferred Response option.
Camel component for the ITI-56 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receiver of asynchronous responses).
SEI for the ITI-56 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor: receiver of WSA asynchronous responses.
Service implementation for the ITI-56 XCPD Initiating Gateway actor (receiver of asynchronous responses).
The Camel component for the ITI-56 transaction (XCPD).
SEI for XCPD ITI-56 -- Patient Location Query.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-56 transaction (XCPD).
Audit strategy for ITI-57.
The Camel component for the ITI-57 transaction.
Provides the ITI-57 web-service interface.
Audit strategy for ITI-57.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-57 transaction (Update Document Set).
Audit dataset for the ITI-59 transaction.
The Camel component for the ITI-61 transaction.
Provides the ITI-61 Web Service interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-61 transaction (Register On-Demand Document Entry).
Client audit strategy for ITI-62.
The Camel component for the ITI-62 transaction.
Provides the ITI-62 web-service interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-62 transaction (Delete Document Set).
The Camel component for the ITI-63 (XCF) async response.
ITI-63 Service Endpoint Interface for Asynchronous Response receiver
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-63 (XCF) asynchronous response.
Audit strategy for the XCF ITI-63 transaction.
The Camel component for the ITI-63 transaction.
ITI-63 Service Endpoint Interface.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-63 transaction.
Generic audit strategy for ITI-64 (Notify XAD-PID Link Change).
Camel component for ITI-64 (XAD-PID Change Management - XPID).
Component for MHD Register Document (ITI-65)
Standard Configuration for Iti65Component.
Validator for ITI-65 transactions.
Request Factory for ITI-66 requests returning a bundle of document manifests
Component for MHD Retrieve Document Manifest (ITI-66)
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-66 DocumentManifest)
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-66 List)
Common SearchParameter base class for ITI-66 transactions
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-66 DocumentManifest)
Standard Configuration for Iti66Component.
Request Factory for ITI-67 requests returning a bundle of document references
Component for MHD Retrieve Document Reference (ITI-67)
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-67).
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-67).
Standard Configuration for Iti67Component.
Component for MHD Retrieve Document using Binary Resources (ITI-68)
Resource Provider for MHD (ITI-68) based on reading a Binary resource
Component for MHD Retrieve Document (ITI-68)
Strategy for auditing ITI-78 transactions on the client side
Component for PDQm (ITI-78)
Request Factory for ITI-78 requests returning a bundle of patients based on query criteria of type ICriterion or String in the request data
Resource Provider for PDQm (ITI-78) for R4
Request Factory for ITI-78 requests, retrieving a single Patient resource based on a resource ID in the request data.
Strategy for auditing ITI-78 transactions on the server side
Standard Configuration for Iti78Component.
Client audit strategy for ITI-80.
The Camel component for the ITI-80 transaction.
Provides the ITI-80 web-service interface.
Server audit strategy for ITI-80.
ITI-81 audit strategy
ITI-81 audit strategy
Request Factory for ITI-81 requests returning a bundle of audit events based on query criteria of type ICriterion or String in the request data
Component for RESTful ATNA (ITI-81)
According to the Restful ATNA specification, this resource provider must handle requests in the form
ITI-81 audit strategy
Standard Configuration for Iti81Component
Strategy for auditing ITI-83 transactions
Request Factory for Iti-83 requests
Component for PIXm (ITI-83)
PIXM Query endpoint (ITI-83)
According to the PIXM specification, this resource provider must handle requests in the form
Standard Configuration for Iti83Component.
The Camel component for the ITI-86 transaction.
Service implementation for the IHE ITI-86 transaction (Remove Documents).
Camel component for ITI-8 (PIX Feed).
Audit strategy for the actor "Update Initiator" of the RMU ITI-92 transaction.
The Camel component for the RMU ITI-92 transaction.
SEI for the the RMU profile.
Audit strategy for the actor "Update Responder" of the RMU ITI-92 transaction.
Service implementation for the RMU ITI-92 transaction "Restricted Update Document Set".
Camel component for ITI-9 (PIX Query).
Description of the class IVLINT.
Description of the class IVLMO.
Description of the class IVLPPDPQ.
Description of the class IVLPPDTS.
Description of the class IVLPQ.
Description of the class IVLREAL.
Description of the class IVLTS.
Description of the class IVXBINT.
Description of the class IVXBMO.
Description of the class IVXBPPDPQ.
Description of the class IVXBPPDTS.
Description of the class IVXBPQ.
Description of the class IVXBREAL.
Description of the class IVXBTS.
JSON serializer for List<JAXBElement>.
Factory for Web Services serving asynchronous responses
Factory for ITI Web Service stubs.
Factory for ITI Web Service stubs
Factory for Web Services serving requests
Factory for Web Services
JCache-based implementation of asynchronous message correlator.
An JCache-based implementation of InteractiveContinuationStorage.
Chain of interactive continuation fragments of a query's response.
Ehcache-based pagination storage.
A storage of HL7 v2 unsolicited fragmentation accumulators.
Description of the enumeration JejunumRoute.
JMS Message Listener that receives audit messages from a queue and sends them to an audit repository.
Message Queue that sends audit messages into a JMS queue.
Java class for jobDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Kalapuyan.
Description of the enumeration Keresan.
Java class for KeyInfoConfirmationDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration KiowaTanoan.
Description of the enumeration KitEntityType.
Description of the enumeration KoyukonIngalik.
Description of the enumeration KutchinHan.
Description of the enumeration LaboratoriesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration LaboratoryHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration LacrimalPunctaRoute.
Description of the enumeration LanguageAbilityMode.
Description of the enumeration LanguageAbilityProficiency.
Validates a language code for compliance with RFC 3066.
Description of the enumeration LaryngealRoute.
Description of the enumeration LavageRoute.
Bundle provider that requests information from the RequestConsumer on request: If only the size of the result set is requested, the request will contain an additional empty message header named Constants.FHIR_REQUEST_SIZE_ONLY, and the response is expected to populate this header with the result size as integer value.
Java class for LDAPResult complex type.
Java class for LDAPResultCode.
Description of the enumeration LengthOutOfRange.
Description of the enumeration LifeInsurancePolicy.
Description of the enumeration LineAccessMedicalDevice.
Interface for usage with TextFileIterator Provides a method to the iterator that defines how to further split individual lines in a text file.
Description of the enumeration LingualRoute.
Description of the enumeration LiquidCleanser.
A JAXB XmlAdapter that helps serialize generic lists of lists.
Description of the enumeration LivingArrangement.
Description of the enumeration LivingSubjectProductionClass.
Description of the enumeration Loan.
Representation of a localized string.
A JAXB XmlAdapter that creates a simplified representation of a LocalizedString which just contains the string itself without the language and charset information.
Java class for LocalizedStringType complex type.
Description of the enumeration LocalMarkupIgnore.
Description of the enumeration LocalRemoteControlState.
Java class for lockDataType complex type.
Example implementation of an audit exception handler
Message Queue that logs the serialized plain audit messages with (by default) pretty formatting using a configurable logger.
Java class for LogoutRequestType complex type.
Description of the enumeration LOINCObservationActContextAgeType.
Lookup implementation of an interface type using ServiceLoader.
Description of the enumeration LotionDrugForm.
Resolve external resources, such as external XML Schema, by looking in the classpath.
Description of the enumeration Maiduan.
Java class for mailAddressType complex type.
Java class for mainResidenceType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ManagedCareOrganizationHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration ManagedCareOrganizationsProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ManagedCarePolicy.
Description of the enumeration ManagedParticipationStatus.
Description of the enumeration ManagedParticipationStatusNormal.
Java class for ManageNameIDRequestType complex type.
Interface that isolates methods for registering resources for a mapping service.
Interface for mapping a set of keysets into corresponding values.
Description of the enumeration MapRelationship.
Java class for maritalDataAddonType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedDivorceType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedMaritalStatusPartnerType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedMarriageType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedPartnershipType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedUndoMarriedType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataRestrictedUndoPartnershipType complex type.
Java class for maritalDataType complex type.
Java class for maritalRelationshipType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration MaritalStatus.
There is no universal mechanism to attach any kind of search attribute to a response bundle.
Java class for MatchingRuleAssertion complex type.
Description of the enumeration MaterialDangerInfectious.
Description of the enumeration MaterialDangerInflammable.
Description of the enumeration MaterialEntityAdditive.
Java class for matrimonialInheritanceArrangementDataType complex type.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01ActOrderRequired.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01DetectedIssueEvent.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01DetectedIssueManagement.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01Requires.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01Role.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01SourceOf.
Description of the class MCAIMT900001UV01Subject.
Description of the class MCCIIN000002UV01Type.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Agent.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01AttentionLine.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Device.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01EntityRsp.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01LocatedEntity.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Organization.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Place.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Receiver.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01RespondTo.
Description of the class MCCIMT000100UV01Sender.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Acknowledgement.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01AcknowledgementDetail.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Agent.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01AttentionLine.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Device.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01EntityRsp.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01LocatedEntity.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Message.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Organization.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Place.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Receiver.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01RespondTo.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01Sender.
Description of the class MCCIMT000200UV01TargetMessage.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Acknowledgement.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01AcknowledgementDetail.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Agent.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01AttentionLine.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Device.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01EntityRsp.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01LocatedEntity.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Organization.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Place.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Receiver.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01RespondTo.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01Sender.
Description of the class MCCIMT000300UV01TargetMessage.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration MDFAttributeType.
Description of the enumeration MdfHmdMetSourceType.
Description of the enumeration MdfHmdRowType.
Description of the enumeration MdfRmimRowType.
Description of the enumeration MDFSubjectAreaPrefix.
This is called upon initialization of the Groovy API extensions for Camel.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Description of the enumeration MediaType.
Media Type Code as specified in 1.2.840.10008.6.1.908
Description of the enumeration MedicalGeneticsProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration MedicationCap.
Description of the enumeration MedicationGeneralizationRoleType.
Description of the enumeration MedicationObservationType.
Description of the enumeration MedicationOrderReleaseReasonCode.
MedicationRequest Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
MedicationStatement Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration MedOncClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration MemberRoleType.
Description of the enumeration MessageCondition.
Description of the enumeration MessageWaitingPriority.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01ActDefinition.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Author1.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Author2.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01AuthorOrPerformer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Custodian.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01DataEnterer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Definition.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01InformationRecipient.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Overseer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01PriorRegisteredAct.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01PriorRegisteredRole.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01PriorRegistration.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Reason.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01RegistrationRequest.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01ReplacementOf.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Subject3.
Description of the class MFMIMT700701UV01Subject4.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01ActDefinition.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Author1.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Author2.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01AuthorOrPerformer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Custodian.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01DataEnterer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Definition.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01InformationRecipient.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01InFulfillmentOf.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Overseer.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01PriorRegisteredAct.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01PriorRegisteredRole.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01PriorRegistration.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01QueryAck.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Reason.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01RegistrationRequest.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01ReplacementOf.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Subject3.
Description of the class MFMIMT700711UV01Subject4.
Marker interface for MHD 4.2.1 classes
Validator for MHD transactions.
Interface for deriving MHD version
Description of the enumeration MilitaryHospital.
Description of the enumeration MilitaryHospitalProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration MilitaryRoleType.
Validate the basic format of a the document mime type.
Description of the enumeration MissouriRiver.
Generic audit dataset for MLLP-based IHE transactions.
Common audit interceptor support for both consumer and producer side of MLLP endpoints
Exception thrown by processors to indicate that an authentication failure occurred and has to be logged in ATNA.
Generic Camel component for MLLP.
MLLP dispatching Camel component.
MLLP dispatching Camel endpoint.
Configuration of a dispatching MLLP endpoint.
A wrapper for standard camel-netty endpoint which provides support for IHE PIX/PDQ-related extensions.
Configuration of an MLLP endpoint.
EventTypes for the MLLP transactions in this module
Participant Object ID Types for the MLLP transactions in this module
Base class for MLLP interceptors which store incoming and outgoing payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Camel component for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).
Camel endpoint for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).
Camel endpoint configuration for MLLP-based eHealth transactions (like IHE PIX, PDQ, XAD-PID, etc.).
Description of the class MO.
Description of the enumeration MobileUnit.
Description of the enumeration MobilityImpaired.
Description of the enumeration ModelMediaType.
Java class for ModifyDNRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration ModifyIndicator.
Java class for ModifyRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration MucosalAbsorptionRoute.
Description of the enumeration MucousMembraneRoute.
Description of the enumeration MultipartMediaType.
Description of the enumeration MultiUseContainerEntityType.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration Muskogean.
CXF Interceptor to tag SOAP headers with an mustUnderstand flag.
Description of the enumeration NailRoute.
Basic ACK and NAK factory for HL7v2-based transactions.
This class represents a name.
A JAXB XmlAdapter that allows the Name class to be serialized.
Java class for nameDataType complex type.
Java class for namedMetaDataType complex type.
Java class for namedPersonIdType complex type.
Java class for NameIDMappingRequestType complex type.
Java class for NameIDMappingResponseType complex type.
Java class for NameIDPolicyType complex type.
Java class for NameIDType complex type.
Description of the enumeration NameLegalUse.
Java class for nameOfParentType complex type.
Description of the enumeration NameRepresentationUse.
Service for finding FHIR NamingSystem instances.
URI Mapper that is backed by a NamingSystemService.
Description of the enumeration NasalInhalation.
Description of the enumeration NasalRoute.
Java class for nationalityDataType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration NativeEntityAlaska.
Description of the enumeration NativeEntityContiguous.
Description of the enumeration NaturalChild.
Description of the enumeration NaturalFather.
Description of the enumeration NaturalParent.
Description of the enumeration NaturalSibling.
Description of the enumeration Nebulization.
Description of the enumeration NebulizationInhalation.
Java class for negativeReportType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration NephClinPracticeSetting.
Simple Netty client implementation of RFC 5425 TLS syslog transport for sending audit messages to an Audit Record Repository that implements TLS syslog.
Destination abstraction for Netty
Network Access Point Type codes as originally specified in and now maintained in
Builds an Audit Event representing a Network Entry event as specified in
Description of the enumeration NeuropsychologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NeuropsychologistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NieceNephew.
Abstract base class for non-blocking TLS sender implementations.
Description of the enumeration NoInformation.
Base class for non-constructive operations (Read+Delete as opposed to Create+Update in CRUD) on document sets in an XDS Repository.
Description of the enumeration NonDrugAgentEntity.
An attachment marshaller implementation which does not read any data from the provided data handlers in order to keep all streams usable.
Description of the enumeration NonRigidContainerEntityType.
A LineSplitterLogic that simply returns the text line without further splitting
Description of the enumeration Nootkan.
Validator that accepts any value.
Description of the enumeration NorthernCaddoan.
Description of the enumeration NorthernIroquoian.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for noticeType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for NotificationQueryType complex type.
Notification of registry events.
Abstract Base type for all types of Notify Actions
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration NuclearMedicineProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NullFlavor.
ServerCapabilityStatementProvider that defends against NPE when no resource providers are present.
Description of the enumeration NursePractitionerHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NursePractitionerProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NursingandCustodialCareFacilitiesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NursingOrCustodialCarePracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration NursingServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NursingServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NursingServiceRelatedProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NursingServiceRelatedProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration NursingServiceRelatedProviderTechnicianHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NutritionistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration NutritionistProviderCodes.
Validation of an ebXML object container.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the generated package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the net.ihe.gazelle.validation package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0006._2 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0007._5 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0008._3 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0010._5 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0011._8 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0021._7 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0044._4 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0058._5 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0135._1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0213_commons._1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0213._1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0214._2 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ch.ech.xmlns.ech_0215._2 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hpd.stub.chcidd package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hpd.stub.chpidd package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.hpd.stub.dsmlv2 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.svs.core.requests package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.svs.core.responses package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.ehealthswiss package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.hl7v3 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.saml20.assertion package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.saml20.delegation package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.saml20.protocol package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.xacml20.saml.assertion package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xacml20.stub.xacml20.saml.protocol package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.xds.commons.stub.iti41 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.xds.commons.stub.ebrs.lcm package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.xds.commons.stub.ebrs.query package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.platform.camel.xds.commons.stub.ebrs.rim package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.ihe.xds.core.stub.xdsi package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.openehealth.ipf.commons.xml.svrl package.
Interface for marshallers in Gazelle.
Marshaller of an object T.
Represents an object reference.
Java class for ObjectRefListType complex type.
Use to reference an Object by its id.
Description of the enumeration ObservationAlert.
Description of the enumeration ObservationAllergyType.
Description of the enumeration ObservationAssetValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration ObservationDiagnosisTypes.
Description of the enumeration ObservationDrugIntoleranceType.
Description of the enumeration ObservationEligibilityIndicatorValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationEnvironmentalIntoleranceType.
Description of the enumeration ObservationFoodIntoleranceType.
Description of the enumeration ObservationHealthStatusValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationIncomeValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationChange.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationExceptions.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationNormality.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationNormalityAbnormal.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationNormalityAlert.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationNormalityHigh.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationNormalityLow.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationOustsideThreshold.
Description of the enumeration ObservationInterpretationSusceptibility.
Description of the enumeration ObservationIntoleranceType.
Description of the enumeration ObservationLivingDependencyValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationLivingExpenseValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationLivingSituationValue.
Description of the enumeration ObservationMethod.
Description of the enumeration ObservationNonAllergyIntoleranceType.
Observation Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration ObservationSocioEconomicStatusValue.
Description of the enumeration ObsoleteEditStatus.
Description of the enumeration ObstetricsGynecologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration OccupationalTherapistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OccupationalTherapistProviderCodes.
Java class for occupationDataType complex type.
A JAXB converter between String and OffsetDateTime.
Generate unique object identifiers without formal registration as mentioned in IHE_ITI_TF_Vol2x B.6 Representing UUIDs as OIDs and specified by ITU-T X.667 (
Validator for OIDs.
Description of the enumeration OilDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration OintmentDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration Ojibwayan.
Description of the class ON.
Java class for OneTimeUseType complex type.
Description of the enumeration OphthalmicRoute.
Description of the enumeration OptometristHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OptometristProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration OralCapsule.
Description of the enumeration OralInhalation.
Description of the enumeration OralRoute.
Description of the enumeration OralSolution.
Description of the enumeration OralSuspension.
Description of the enumeration OralTablet.
Base class for all custom configurers which have to implement their own strategy for lookup and configure.
Description of the enumeration OrderedListStyle.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Order Record event as specified in
Description of the enumeration OregonAthapaskan.
Java class for organisationMailAddressInfoType complex type.
Java class for organisationMailAddressType complex type.
Represents an organization.
Description of the enumeration OrganizationEntityType.
Description of the enumeration OrganizationNamePartQualifier.
Description of the enumeration OrganizationNameType.
Description of the enumeration OrganizationNameUse.
Description of the enumeration OrganizationNameUseLegalByBOT.
Java class for OrganizationQueryType complex type.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration OromucosalRoute.
Description of the enumeration OropharyngealRoute.
Description of the enumeration OrthoClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration OrthopaedicSurgeryProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration Other.
Description of the enumeration OtherActionTakenManagementCode.
Description of the enumeration OtherIndicationValue.
Description of the enumeration OtherPhysicianOsteopathHIPAA.
Java class for otherResidenceType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration OtherServiceProviderContractorHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OtherServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OtherServiceProviderSpecialistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OtherServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration OtherTechnologistOrTechnicianHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OtherTechnologistOrTechnicianProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration OticRoute.
Description of the enumeration OtolaryngologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration OutpatientFacilityPracticeSetting.
CXF interceptor that reads outgoing payload collected by the output stream proxy installed in OutStreamSubstituteInterceptor and stores it in the message as String content type.
CXF interceptor which stores outgoing HTTP payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
CXF interceptor that substitutes message output stream with a special wrapper that collects SOAP payload.
Description of the enumeration PadDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration Pai.
Description of the enumeration PainMedicineProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration Palaihnihan.
Validating processors for MLLP-based IPF IHE components.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataType.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeAnnotated.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeBag.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeEventRelatedInterval.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeHistorical.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeInterval.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeNonParametricProbabilityDistribution.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeParametricProbabilityDistribution.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypePeriodicInterval.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeSequence.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeSet.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeType.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeUncertainValueNarrative.
Description of the enumeration ParameterizedDataTypeUncertainValueProbabilistic.
Description of the enumeration ParanasalSinusesRoute.
Description of the enumeration Parent.
Java class for parentalRelationshipType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration ParenteralRoute.
Description of the enumeration ParentInLaw.
Defines methods for parsing a external representation of information into an internal model.
Adapts a Parser.
Description of the enumeration PartialCompletionScale.
Java class for partialDeliveryType complex type.
Participant Object Data Life Cycle as originally specified in and now maintained in
The Participant Object ID Type describes the identifier that is contained in Participant Object ID.
Audit Participant Object ID Type Code as specified in 1.2.840.10008.6.1.907
Participant Object Type codes as originally specified in and now maintained in
Participant Object Type Role codes as originally specified in and now maintained in
Description of the enumeration ParticipationAncillary.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationExposureparticipation.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationIndirectTarget.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationInformationGenerator.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationInformationRecipient.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationInformationTranscriber.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationMode.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationModeElectronicData.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationModeVerbal.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationModeWritten.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationParticipation.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationPhysicalPerformer.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationSignature.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationSubset.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationTargetDevice.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationTargetDirect.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationTargetLocation.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationTargetSubject.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationType.
Description of the enumeration ParticipationVerifier.
Java class for partnerIdOrganisationType complex type.
Description of the enumeration PasteDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration PastSubset.
Description of the enumeration PatchDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration PathologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PathologySpecialistOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PathologyTechnicianHIPAA.
Interface for stored queries which take a patient ID as parameter.
Interface used to extract patient references from FHIR resources or search parameters.
Description of the enumeration PatientImportance.
Represents additional information about a patient, as an HL7v2 PID segment with the following specialities: Fields PID-3 (patient IDs), PID-5 (patient names), PID-7 (birth date), and PID-8 (gender) can be manipulated both as HL7 strings and as XDS metadata objects.
Transformation logic for a PatientInfo.
Description of the enumeration PatientProfileQueryReasonCode.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Patient Record event as specified in
Builder for building IHE-specific PatientRecord events.
Base class for interceptors which store incoming and outgoing payload into files with user-defined name patterns, or to the regular Java log.
Evaluation context of expressions for payload log file names.
Description of the enumeration PaymentTerms.
Description of the enumeration PayorParticipationFunction.
Description of the enumeration PayorRoleType.
The Camel component for the PCC-1 transaction (QED).
Continuation-Aware service implementation for the IHE PCC-1 transaction (QED).
SEI for PCC QED -- Query for Existing Data.
Service implementation for the IHE PCC-1 transaction (QED).
Request Factory for PCC-44 requests returning a bundle of resources that were queried
Component for QEDM (PCC-44)
Camel component for the IHE PCD-01 transaction.
Generic audit strategy for ITI-21 and ITI-22 (PDQ).
Patient as defined by the PDQm specification
Patient as defined by the PDQm specification plus some of the most common extensions This extends the default patient resource with the following attributes: birthplace mothersMaidenName citizenship religion race ethnicity gender identity
A MLLP transaction configuration with PDQ-specific methods for continuation support.
Description of the enumeration PediatricsProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PedsClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration PedsICUPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration PedsPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration PerianalRoute.
Description of the enumeration PeriarticularRoute.
Description of the enumeration PeriduralRoute.
Description of the enumeration PerinealRoute.
Description of the enumeration PerineuralRoute.
Description of the enumeration PeriodontalRoute.
Description of the enumeration PermanentDentition.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Represents an identifiable person.
Java class for personAdditionalData complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for personAddonType complex type.
Description of the enumeration PersonalRelationshipRoleType.
Description of the enumeration PersonDisabilityType.
Java class for personFromUPIType complex type.
Java class for personIdentificationKeyOnlyType complex type.
Java class for personIdentificationLightType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for personIdentificationType complex type.
Java class for personMailAddressInfoType complex type.
Java class for personMailAddressType complex type.
Description of the enumeration PersonNamePartAffixTypes.
Description of the enumeration PersonNamePartChangeQualifier.
Description of the enumeration PersonNamePartMiscQualifier.
Description of the enumeration PersonNamePartQualifier.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration PersonNameUse.
Description of the enumeration PersonNameUseLegalByBOT.
Description of the enumeration PersonNameUsePseudonym.
Java class for PersonQueryType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for personToUPIType complex type.
Java class for personType complex type.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Audit strategy for PHARM-1.
The Camel component for the IHE PHARM-1 transaction.
Provides the PHARM-1 web-service interface.
Service implementation for the IHE PHARM-1 transaction (Query Pharmacy Documents).
Generic Audit Strategy for CMPD PHARM-5 query transactions.
Request Factory for PHARM-5 requests returning a bundle of document references.
Component for MHD-based, CMPD Query Pharmacy Documents over MHD (PHARM-5)
Component for MHD-based, CMPD Query Pharmacy Documents over MHD (PHARM-5)
The different operations of CMPD PHARM-5 transaction.
Resource Provider for CMPD PHARM-5.
Search parameters for CMPD PHARM-5 transaction.
Static configuration for CMPD PHARM-5 transaction components
Description of the enumeration PharmacistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PharmacistProviderCodes.
Base class for Pharmacy Documents Queries (PHARM-1).
Description of the enumeration PharmacyServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PharmacyServiceProviderTechnicianHIPAA.
Abstract stored query for PHARM-1 stable documents queries.
Description of the enumeration PharmacySupplyEventStockReasonCode.
Description of the enumeration PharmacySupplyRequestRenewalRefusalReasonCode.
Builder for building IHE-specific DataExport events.
Builder for building IHE-specific DataImport events.
Description of the enumeration PhysicalMedicineandRehabilitationProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PhysicalTherapistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PhysicalTherapistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PhysicianAndOrOsteopathHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PhysicianAssistantHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PhysicianAssistantProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PhysicianAssistantsandAdvancedPracticeNursingProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PhysicianAssistantsAndOrAdvancedPracticeNursingProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration Pidgin.
Java class for pidsFromUPIType complex type.
Java class for pidsToUPIType complex type.
Validates a PID string.
Description of the enumeration PillDrugForm.
Description of the class PIVLPPDTS.
Description of the class PIVLTS.
Validating processors for MLLP-based IPF IHE components.
Camel processors for translation of HL7 messages between versions 2 and 3.
Validating processors for HL7v3-based IPF components.
Simplified model of a PIXV3 Query query (ITI-45).
Transformer between objects PixV3QueryRequest and PRPAIN201309UV02Type.
Simplified model of a PIXV3 Query response (ITI-45).
Transformer between objects PixV3QueryResponse and PRPAIN201310UV02Type.
Description of the enumeration PlaceEntityType.
Java class for placeOfOriginAddonDataType complex type.
Java class for placeOfOriginAddonRestrictedNaturalizeDataType complex type.
Java class for placeOfOriginAddonRestrictedUnDoDataType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for placeOfOriginType complex type.
Java class for placeOfOriginType complex type.
Special CXF data binding for plain XML transactions (e.g.
Fake data reader which reads in the whole XML stream and returns a null value instead of the expected POJO.
A special writer for some transactions (e.g.
Description of the enumeration PlasticBottleEntityType.
Description of the enumeration PlasticSurgeryProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PlateauPenutian.
Description of the class PN.
Description of the enumeration PodiatricMedicineAndOrSurgeryServiceProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PodiatricMedicineandSurgeryProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PodiatristHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PodiatristProviderCodes.
Java class for politicalRightDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Pomoan.
Validates for a positive number.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration PostalAddressUse.
Description of the enumeration PowderDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration PowerOfAttorney.
Description of the class PPDPQ.
Description of the class PPDTS.
Description of the class PQ.
Description of the class PQR.
Predicate interface for matching a source object for certain criteria.
Adapts a Predicate.
Description of the enumeration PrescriptionDispenseFilterCode.
Description of the enumeration PreventiveMedicineProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PrimaryDentition.
Description of the enumeration PrivateResidence.
Description of the enumeration ProbabilityDistributionType.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Procedure Record event as specified in
Procedure Resource Provider for QEDm (PCC-44)
Description of the enumeration ProcessingID.
Description of the enumeration ProcessingMode.
Abstract base class for classes that adapt transform support library interfaces to Apache Camel's Processor.
Producer-side Camel interceptor which creates a HAPI Message from various possible request types.
Consumer-side FHIR ATNA auditing Camel interceptor.
Producer-side ATNA auditing Camel interceptor.
Producer-side MLLP interceptor which stores incoming payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Producer-side Hl7 marshalling/unmarshalling interceptor with support for interactive continuation.
Producer-side Hl7 marshalling/unmarshalling interceptor.
Producer-side MLLP interceptor which stores outgoing payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Client-side handler of pagination controls.
Producer-side interceptor for request message acceptance checking.
A producer-side interceptor which implements non-interactive request fragmentation as described in paragraph of the HL7 v.2.5 specification.
Producer-side interceptor for response message acceptance checking.
Producer-side MLLP interceptor that sets character encoding configured for the given endpoint, and handles segment fragmentation (\rADD|...).
Producer-side Camel interceptor which enriches a Message with tracing information.
Description of the enumeration ProgramEligibleCoveredPartyRoleType.
Description of the enumeration Prosthodontics.
The data required for the Provide and register document set request.
Builder for ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet objects.
Java class for ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Validates a EbXMLSubmitObjectsRequest request.
Transforms between a ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet and its ebXML representation.
Interceptor to add provided outgoing attachments for SwA on the client side.
Description of the enumeration ProviderCodes.
Java class for ProxyRestrictionType complex type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02MCCIMT000100UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02MFMIMT700701UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02MFMIMT700701UV01RegistrationEvent.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject1.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAIN201301UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02MCCIMT000100UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02MFMIMT700701UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02MFMIMT700701UV01RegistrationEvent.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject1.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAIN201302UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02MCCIMT000100UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02MFMIMT700701UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02MFMIMT700701UV01RegistrationEvent.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject1.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02MFMIMT700701UV01Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAIN201304UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201305UV02MCCIMT000100UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201305UV02QUQIMT021001UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201305UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02MCCIMT000300UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02MFMIMT700711UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02MFMIMT700711UV01RegistrationEvent.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02MFMIMT700711UV01Subject1.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02MFMIMT700711UV01Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAIN201306UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201309UV02MCCIMT000100UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201309UV02QUQIMT021001UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201309UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02MCCIMT000300UV01Message.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02MFMIMT700711UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02MFMIMT700711UV01RegistrationEvent.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02MFMIMT700711UV01Subject1.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02MFMIMT700711UV01Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAIN201310UV02Type.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02AdministrativeObservation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02BirthPlace.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02CareGiver.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Citizen.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02ContactParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02CoveredParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Employee.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Group.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Guardian.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Member.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Nation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02OtherIDs.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Patient.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02PatientOfOtherProvider.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Person.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Student.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Subject3.
Description of the class PRPAMT201301UV02Subject4.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02AdministrativeObservation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02AdministrativeObservationId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02AdministrativeObservationIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02BirthPlace.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02CareGiver.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02CareGiverId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02CareGiverIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Citizen.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02CitizenId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02CitizenIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02ContactParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02ContactPartyId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02ContactPartyIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02CoveredParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Employee.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02EmployeeId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02EmployeeIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Group.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Guardian.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02GuardianId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02GuardianIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Member.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02MemberId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02MemberIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Nation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02NonPersonLivingSubjectId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02NonPersonLivingSubjectIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02OtherIDs.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02OtherIDsId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02OtherIDsIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Patient.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PatientId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PatientIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PatientOfOtherProvider.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PatientPatientNonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PatientPatientNonPersonLivingSubjectUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PatientPatientPerson.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PatientPatientPersonUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PatientStatusCode.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PatientStatusCodeUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Person.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PersonalRelationshipId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PersonalRelationshipIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02PersonId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02PersonIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Student.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02StudentId.
Description of the enumeration PRPAMT201302UV02StudentIdUpdateMode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Subject3.
Description of the class PRPAMT201302UV02Subject4.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02AdministrativeObservation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02BirthPlace.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02CareGiver.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Citizen.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02ContactParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02CoveredParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Employee.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Group.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Guardian.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Member.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Nation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02OtherIDs.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Patient.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02PatientOfOtherProvider.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Person.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Student.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Subject3.
Description of the class PRPAMT201303UV02Subject4.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Citizen.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02CoveredParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Employee.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Group.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Member.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Nation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02OtherIDs.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Patient.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02PatientOfOtherProvider.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Person.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Student.
Description of the class PRPAMT201304UV02Subject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectAdministrativeGender.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectBirthPlaceAddress.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectBirthPlaceName.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectBirthTime.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectDeceasedTime.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectId.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02LivingSubjectName.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02MatchAlgorithm.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02MatchCriterionList.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02MatchWeight.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02MinimumDegreeMatch.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02MothersMaidenName.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02OtherIDsScopingOrganization.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02ParameterList.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02PatientAddress.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02PatientStatusCode.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02PatientTelecom.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02PrincipalCareProviderId.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02PrincipalCareProvisionId.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02QueryByParameter.
Description of the class PRPAMT201306UV02SortControl.
Description of the class PRPAMT201307UV02DataSource.
Description of the class PRPAMT201307UV02ParameterList.
Description of the class PRPAMT201307UV02PatientIdentifier.
Description of the class PRPAMT201307UV02QueryByParameter.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02AdministrativeObservation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02BirthPlace.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02CareGiver.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Citizen.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02ContactParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02CoveredParty.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Employee.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Group.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Guardian.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02LanguageCommunication.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Member.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Nation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02NonPersonLivingSubject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02OtherIDs.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Patient.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02PatientOfOtherProvider.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Person.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02PersonalRelationship.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02QueryMatchObservation.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Student.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Subject.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Subject2.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Subject3.
Description of the class PRPAMT201310UV02Subject4.
Description of the enumeration PsychiatryandNeurologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PsychoanalystHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PsychologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration PsychologistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration PublicHealthcareProgram.
Description of the enumeration PulmonaryRoute.
Represents a QBP_Q21 message structure (see chapter 3.3.56).
Adds a custom QPD segment instead of the standard one coming from v25 hapi package
Represents an HL7 QPD message segment used in IHE PDQ.
Represents an HL7 QPD message segment.
NAK factory for PDQ, PDVQ and PIX Query.
Description of the class QTY.
Description of the enumeration QualitySpecimenRoleType.
Base class for all query requests.
Visitor interface used for this class to implement the visitor pattern.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Query event as specified in
Java class for QueryExpressionBranchType complex type.
Java class for QueryExpressionType complex type.
Builder for building IHE-specific Query events.
Represents a list of query parameters.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are QueryList-based.
Query parameters used for the stored queries.
Validation of a query parameter.
Description of the enumeration QueryParameterValue.
Description of the enumeration QueryPriority.
Description of the enumeration QueryQuantityUnit.
Request object for the Query Registry and Registry Stored Query transactions.
Transforms between a QueryRegistry and an EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Description of the enumeration QueryRequestLimit.
Description of the enumeration QueryResponse.
Contains the response data for a query.
Transforms between QueryResponse and the EbXMLQueryResponse representation.
Validate a EbXMLQueryResponse.
Return types for XDS queries (ITI-18, ITI-38, ITI-51, ITI-63, PHARM-1).
Wrapper class for ebXML query request to simplify access to slots.
Description of the enumeration QueryStatusCode.
All possible query types.
Description of the class QUQIIN000003UV01Type.
Description of the class QUQIIN000003UV01MCCIMT000300UV01Message.
Description of the class QUQIIN000003UV01Type.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01AuthorOrPerformer.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01ControlActProcess.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01DataEnterer.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01InformationRecipient.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01Overseer.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01QueryContinuation.
Description of the class QUQIMT000001UV01Reason.
Description of the class QUQIMT021001UV01AuthorOrPerformer.
Description of the class QUQIMT021001UV01DataEnterer.
Description of the class QUQIMT021001UV01InformationRecipient.
Description of the class QUQIMT021001UV01Overseer.
Description of the class QUQIMT021001UV01Reason.
Description of the enumeration Race.
Description of the enumeration RaceAfricanAmericanAfrican.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanIndian.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanIndianAthabascan.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNative.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleut.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleutAlutiiq.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleutBristolBay.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleutChugach.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleutKoniag.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeAleutUnangan.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeEskimo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeInupiatEskimo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeSiberianEskimo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAlaskanNativeYupikEskimo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndian.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianApache.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianArapaho.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianAssiniboineSioux.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCaddo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCahuilla.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCalifornia.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChemakuan.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCherokee.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCheyenne.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChickahominy.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChinook.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChippewa.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChippewaCree.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChoctaw.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianChumash.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianComanche.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCoushatta.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCreek.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianCupeno.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianDelaware.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianDiegueno.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianEasternTribes.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianGrosVentres.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianHoopa.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianIowa.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianIroquois.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianKickapoo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianKiowa.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianKlallam.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianLongIsland.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianLuiseno.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianMaidu.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianMiami.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianMicmac.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianNavajo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianNorthwestTribes.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianOttawa.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPaiute.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPassamaquoddy.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPawnee.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPeoria.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPequot.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPima.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPomo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPonca.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPotawatomi.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPueblo.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianPugetSoundSalish.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianSacFox.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianSeminole.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianSerrano.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianShawnee.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianShoshone.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianShoshonePaiute.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianSioux.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianTohonoOOdham.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianUmpqua.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianUte.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianWampanoag.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianWashoe.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianWinnebago.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianYuman.
Description of the enumeration RaceAmericanIndianYurok.
Description of the enumeration RaceAsian.
Description of the enumeration RaceBlackOrAfricanAmerican.
Description of the enumeration RaceCanadianLatinIndian.
Description of the enumeration RaceHawaiianOrPacificIsland.
Description of the enumeration RaceNativeAmerican.
Description of the enumeration RacePacificIslandMelanesian.
Description of the enumeration RacePacificIslandMicronesian.
Description of the enumeration RacePacificIslandPolynesian.
Description of the enumeration RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndian.
Description of the enumeration RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndianTlingit.
Description of the enumeration RaceSoutheastAlaskanIndianTsimshian.
Description of the enumeration RaceWhite.
Description of the enumeration RaceWhiteArab.
Description of the enumeration RaceWhiteEuropean.
Description of the enumeration RaceWhiteMiddleEast.
Audit strategy for Retrieve Imaging Document Set [RAD-69] as "Imaging Document Consumer" actor
The Camel component for the RAD-69 transaction.
Provides the RAD-69 web-service interface.
Audit strategy for Retrieve Imaging Document Set [RAD-69] as "Imaging Document Source" actor
Service implementation for the IHE RAD-69 transaction (Retrieve Imaging Document Set).
The Camel component for the RAD-75 (XCA-I) async response.
RAD-75 SEI for asynchronous response receiver.
Service implementation for the IHE RAD-75 (XCA-I) asynchronous response.
Audit strategy for Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set [RAD-75] as "Initiating Imaging Gateway" actor
The Camel component for the RAD-75 transaction.
Audit strategy for Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set [RAD-75] as "Responding Imaging Gateway" actor
Service implementation for the IHE RAD-75 transaction.
Description of the enumeration RadDiagTherPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration RadiologicTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RadiologicTechnologistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RadiologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ReactionDetectedIssueCode.
Reactor Netty client implementation of RFC 5425 TLS syslog transport for sending audit messages to an Audit Record Repository that implements TLS syslog.
Destination abstraction for Netty
A ByteArrayOutputStream that allows the creation of an InputStream from its internal byte array representation.
A StreamResult that allows the creation of a Source from its internal data representation.
A StringWriter that allows the creation of a Reader from its internal string buffer representation.
Description of the class REAL.
Description of the enumeration RealmOfUse.
Represents a recipient containing a person and/or organization and/or telecommunication address.
Validates a list of recipients containing organizations and/or persons and/or telecommunication addresses.
Transforms between a Recipient and its ebXML representation.
For testing only: an implementation that records the audit messages in memory.
For testing only: an implementation that records the audit message strings in memory instead of sending them to some destination.
Description of the enumeration RectalInstillation.
Description of the enumeration RectalRoute.
Java class for ReferencedPoliciesType complex type.
Represents a reference ID.
Description of the enumeration RefillCompletePharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration RefillFirstHerePharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration RefillPartFillPharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration RefillPharmacySupplyType.
Description of the enumeration RefillTrialBalancePharmacySupplyType.
The data required for the register document set request.
Builder for RegisterDocumentSet objects.
Transforms between a RegisterDocumentSet and its ebXML representation.
Description of the enumeration RegisteredDieticianHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RegisteredNurseHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RegisteredNurseProviderCodes.
Technology-independent bean registry interface
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for RegistryObjectListType complex type.
Java class for RegistryObjectQueryType complex type.
Java class for RegistryObjectType complex type.
Provides validation for a specific aspect of a registry object.
Java class for RegistryPackageQueryType complex type.
RegistryPackage is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Java class for RegistryQueryType complex type.
Base type for all ebXML Registry requests
Base type for all ebXML Registry responses
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Description of the enumeration RehabilitationCounselorHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RehabilitationCounselorProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RehabilitationHospital.
Description of the enumeration RehabilitationHospitalProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RejectedEditStatus.
CXF interceptor which sends all rejected CXF exchanges to the user-defined failure handler.
Description of the enumeration RelatedReactionDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration RelationalOperator.
Description of the enumeration RelationshipConjunction.
Java class for religionDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ReligiousAffiliation.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Request object for the Remove Documents transaction.
Transforms between a EbXMLNonconstructiveDocumentSetRequest and its ebXML representation.
Java class for RemoveDocumentsRequestType complex type.
Request object for the Remove Metadata transaction.
Transforms between a RemoveMetadata and its ebXML representation.
Validates a EbXMLRemoveMetadataRequest request.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Interface for creating an externalized version of an internal object model.
Adapts a Renderer.
Description of the enumeration RepetitionsOutOfRange.
Java class for reportedPersonType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for RequestAbstractType complex type.
Consumer interface of FHIR requests.
Java class for RequestedAuthnContextType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ResearchSubjectRoleBasis.
Java class for residenceDataType complex type.
Java class for residencePermitDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ResidentialTreatmentFacilitiesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration ResidentialTreatmentPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration ResourceGroupEntityType.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryAndOrRehabilitativeAndOrRestorativeProviderHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryAndOrRehabilitativeAndOrRestorativeSpecialistOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryRehabilitativeandRestorativeServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryTherapistCertifiedProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryTherapistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration RespiratoryTherapistRegisteredProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RespiteCareFacilityProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration RespiteCareProviderCodes.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Basic response information.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration ResponseLevel.
Description of the enumeration ResponseModality.
Description of the enumeration ResponseMode.
Java class for ResponseOptionType complex type.
Transforms between Response and the ebXML representation.
Java class for ResponseType complex type.
Description of the enumeration ResponsibleParty.
Alternative to BasicHttpAuditMessageQueue, using Spring's RestClient / RestClient.Builder classes
Alternative to BasicHttpAuditMessageQueue, using Spring's RestTemplate / RestTemplateBuilder classes
Java class for ResultCode complex type.
A single document retrieved from the repository.
Documents returned by the Retrieve Document Set transaction.
Request object for the Retrieve Document Set transaction.
Transforms between a EbXMLNonconstructiveDocumentSetRequest and its ebXML representation.
Java class for RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Transforms between a EbXMLRetrieveDocumentSetResponse and its ebXML representation.
Java class for RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Request object for the Retrieve Imaging Document Set transaction.
Transforms between a EbXMLRetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequest and its ebXML representation.
Java class for RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequestType complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
Request object for a single Series.
Request object for a single Study.
Model of an SVS RetrieveValueSetRequest
Model of an SVS RetrieveValueSetResponse
Description of the enumeration RetrobulbarRoute.
Converts a Syslog string into a Map of elements as described by RFC 5424.
Base client implementation of RFC 5424 syslog for sending audit messages to an Audit Record Repository that implements RFC 5424 SYSLOG.
Simple decoder that extracts the syslog frame as described in RFC 5425.
Base client implementation of RFC 5425 syslog for sending audit messages to an Audit Record Repository that implements RFC 5425 (SYSLOG via TLS).
Description of the enumeration RheumClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration Rinse.
Description of the enumeration Ritwan.
Description of the enumeration River.
RMU = Restricted Metadata Update.
Description of the enumeration ROIOverlayShape.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassAgent.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassAssignedEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassContact.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassCoveredParty.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassDistributedMaterial.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassEmployee.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassEquivalentEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassExposureAgentCarrier.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassInactiveIngredient.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassIngredientEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassIngredientEntityActiveIngredientByBOT.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassInvestigationSubject.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassIsSpeciesEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassLicensedEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassLocatedEntity.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassManufacturedProduct.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassMutualRelationship.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassNamedInsured.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassOntological.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassOntologicalEquivalentEntityByBOT.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassPartitive.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassPartitivePartByBOT.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassPassive.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassRelationshipFormal.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassServiceDeliveryLocation.
Description of the enumeration RoleClassSpecimen.
Description of the enumeration RoleLinkRelated.
Description of the enumeration RoleLinkType.
Description of the enumeration RoleStatus.
Description of the enumeration RoleStatusNormal.
Description of the enumeration RouteByMethod.
Helper class for creating IPF extensions in Java-based route definitions.
Adds a custom QPD segment instead of the standard one coming from v25 hapi package
Adds a custom QPD segment instead of the standard one coming from v25 hapi package
Represents a RSP_ZV2 message structure as described in ITI TF Vol. 2a, pp. 219-220.
Represents the RSP_ZV2_QUERY_RESPONSE group as described in ITI TF Vol. 2a, pages 219-220.
Description of the class RTO.
Description of the class RTOMOPQ.
Description of the class RTOPQPQ.
Description of the class RTOQTYQTY.
Description of the enumeration Sahaptian.
Description of the enumeration SaukFoxKickapoo.
Description of the class SC.
Description of the enumeration ScalpRoute.
Description of the enumeration SchedulingActReason.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Validation profile exclusively used by SchematronValidator.
Converts a XML document into a Schematron validation report by applying Schematron rules.
Validation wrapper around the SchematronTransmogrifier.
Java class for ScopingType complex type.
Java class for SearchRequest complex type.
Java class for null.
Java class for null.
Java class for SearchResponse complex type.
Java class for SearchResultEntry complex type.
Java class for SearchResultReference complex type.
Java class for secondaryResidenceType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Builds an Audit Event representing a Security Alert event as specified in
HL7v2 segment finder.
Java class for sendingApplicationType complex type.
Java class for separationDataType complex type.
Description of the enumeration Sequencing.
Definitions for the IHE integration profile "Secure Retrieve" (SeR).
Strategy for marshalling an AuditMessage into a serialized format.
Description of the enumeration SerranoGabrielino.
Java class for ServiceBindingQueryType complex type.
Java class for ServiceBindingType complex type.
Java class for ServiceQueryType complex type.
Validate that serviceStart and serviceStop date/time DTM values are in chronological order (according to IHE ITI TF 2b
Java class for ServiceType complex type.
Description of the enumeration SetOperator.
Description of the enumeration SetUpdateMode.
Severities defined by the XDS specification.
Description of the enumeration SeverityObservation.
Shared Resource provider, primarily (but not exclusively) meant for batch/transaction requests.
Description of the enumeration Shasta.
Description of the enumeration Sibling.
Description of the enumeration SiblingInLaw.
Description of the enumeration SignificantOtherRoleType.
Java class for SimpleFilterType complex type.
Web Service for HL7v2 components with a single operation.
Camel endpoint for HL7v2-WS transaction with a single operation.
Hl7v2 WS endpoint with a single operation.
A simple registry implementation that can e.g. be used in tests to abstract away more complex bean registries like Spring.
Generic producer for Web Services which have only one operation.
Description of the enumeration SinusUnspecifiedRoute.
Description of the enumeration SirenikskiYupik.
Description of the enumeration SkilledNursingFacilityProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SkinRoute.
Description of the class SLISTPQ.
Description of the class SLISTTS.
Java class for SlotBranchType complex type.
Validates lengths of ebXML slot values and uniqueness of slot names.
Java class for SlotListType complex type.
Java class for SlotType1 complex type.
Validation for slots.
Performs a validation of a slot value.
Generic constants and subroutines for SOAP/XML processing.
Description of the enumeration SocialWorkerHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration SocialWorkerProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SoftTissueRoute.
Description of the enumeration SolidDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration SolutionDrugForm.
This class is necessary because: JDK does not provide a BER parser for SortControl SortControl does not expose sorting keys
Source data type extension.
Description of the enumeration SouthernAlaska.
Description of the enumeration SouthernCaddoan.
Description of the enumeration SouthernNumic.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistTechnologistCardiovascularProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistTechnologistHealthInformationProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistTechnologistOtherProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistTechnologistPathologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpecialistTechnologistProviderCodes.
Java class for SpecificationLinkQueryType complex type.
Java class for SpecificationLinkType complex type.
Description of the enumeration SpecimenEntityType.
Description of the enumeration SpecimenRoleType.
Description of the enumeration SpeechAndOrLanguageAndOrHearingServiceSpecialistOrTechnologistHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration SpeechLanguageandHearingProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SpeechLanguageTechnologistProviderCodes.
Immutable class specifying an index of a split performed by Splitter.
Split logic for use with the TextFileIterator that splits read lines using a regex similar to String.split(String).
Splits a S object into a Collection of T objects.
A processor that splits an exchange into multiple exchanges by using a rule.
OutputDefinition for the Splitter processor This class is needed to create a Splitter that hands on the sub exchanges to a specified processor.
Description of the enumeration SponsorParticipationFunction.
Description of the enumeration Spouse.
BidiMappingService implementation that can be configured with Spring resources and using the CustomMappingsConfigurer.
Adds mapping scripts to a reference SpringBidiMappingService instance.
Ehcache-based implementation of asynchronous message correlator.
Hl7v3ContinuationStorage that uses a Spring cache abstraction
InteractiveContinuationStorage that uses a Spring cache abstraction
Ehcache-based pagination storage.
Paging provider that uses a Spring cache abstraction to store IBundleProvider instances.
CachingUnsolicitedFragmentationStorage that uses a Spring cache abstraction
Spring Listener which holds the instances of all OrderedConfigurer.
ExpressionResolver implementation using Spring Expression language.
Class that bridges the Registry interface to a Spring ListableBeanFactory.
TypeConverter implementation backed by a Spring ConversionService
Apache HttpClient RestfulClientFactory that is aware of SSL context parameters.
RestfulClientFactory based on Apache HttpClient5 that is aware of SSL context parameters.
RestfulClientFactory that is aware of SSL context parameters.
RestfulClientFactory that is aware of SSL context parameters and uses the HTTP Client built in JDK 11 with some added functionality provided by the lightweight Methanol library.
Description of the class ST.
Java class for StatementAbstractType complex type.
An expression that evaluates to a constant parameter array inpdependent of the Exchange argument.
SSLContextParameters that are directly configured with an SSLContext.
Status information according to the XDS specification.
Java class for StatusCodeType complex type.
Java class for StatusDetailType complex type.
Java class for StatusResponseType complex type.
Java class for StatusType complex type.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are AvailabilityStatus-based.
Description of the enumeration StepChild.
Description of the enumeration StepParent.
Description of the enumeration StepSibling.
Base class for stored queries.
Description of the enumeration StreetAddressLine.
Description of the enumeration StreetName.
Java class for StringFilterType complex type.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are StringList-based.
Holder for various types of String message payloads.
Types of supported payload: HTTP (probably multi-part, i.e. with all attachments), SOAP Body.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are String-based.
Description of the enumeration StudentRoleType.
Description of the enumeration SubarachnoidRoute.
Description of the enumeration SubconjunctivalRoute.
Description of the enumeration SubcutaneousRoute.
Java class for SubjectConfirmationDataType complex type.
Java class for SubjectConfirmationType complex type.
Java class for SubjectLocalityType complex type.
Java class for SubjectQueryAbstractType complex type.
Java class for SubjectType complex type.
Description of the enumeration SublesionalRoute.
Description of the enumeration SublingualRoute.
Represents an XDS submission set according to the IHE XDS specification.
Transforms between a SubmissionSet and its ebXML representation.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Validates a EbXMLSubmitObjectsRequest request.
Description of the enumeration SubmucosalRoute.
Description of the enumeration SubscriberCoveredPartyRoleType.
Represents a stored query for SubscriptionFilterQuery used for ITI-52 filters
Represents a stored query for SubscriptionFilterQuery used for ITI-52 filters
Represents a stored query for SubscriptionForPatientIndependentDocumentEntryQuery used for ITI-52 filters
Represents a stored query for SubscriptionFilterQuery used for ITI-52 filters
Represents a stored query for SubscriptionFilterQuery used for ITI-52 filters
Java class for SubscriptionQueryType complex type.
A Subscription for specified Events in an ebXML V3+ registry.
Description of the enumeration SubsidizedHealthProgram.
Description of the enumeration SubstanceAbuseDisorderRehabilitationFacilityProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SubstanceAdminGenericSubstitution.
Description of the enumeration SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason.
Description of the enumeration SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason.
Description of the enumeration SubstitutionCondition.
Java class for SubstringFilter complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration SupernumeraryTooth.
Description of the enumeration SupplierHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration SuppliersProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SupplyAppropriateManagementCode.
Description of the enumeration SupplyDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration SupplyOrderAbortReasonCode.
Description of the enumeration SuppositoryDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration SuppositoryRoute.
Description of the enumeration SurgClinPracticeSetting.
Description of the enumeration SurgeryProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration SuspensionDrugForm.
Definitions for the Sharing Value Sets (SVS) integration profile of the IHE TF.
The audit dataset for SVS transactions.
Camel type converters for SVS models.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
EventTypes for the SVS module
Description of the enumeration SwabDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration Swish.
Java class for swissAddressInformationType complex type.
Java class for swissAndFlMunicipalityType complex type.
Audit dataset enricher for FHIR based transactions which implements requirements of the Swiss Electronic Patient Record.
Java class for swissMunicipalityType complex type.
Java class for swissMunicipalityWithoutBFS complex type.
Description of the class SXCMCD.
Description of the class SXCMINT.
Description of the class SXCMMO.
Description of the class SXCMPPDPQ.
Description of the class SXCMPPDTS.
Description of the class SXCMPQ.
Description of the class SXCMREAL.
Description of the class SXCMTS.
Description of the class SXPRTS.
Synchronously pass the message to the AuditTransmissionProtocol
A simple collector of Syslog events
A simple collector of Syslog events
Abstract base class for TLS and UDP syslog servers.
Description of the enumeration TableCellHorizontalAlign.
Description of the enumeration TableCellScope.
Description of the enumeration TableCellVerticalAlign.
Description of the enumeration TableFrame.
Description of the enumeration TableRules.
Description of the enumeration TableRuleStyle.
Description of the enumeration TabletDrugForm.
Description of the enumeration Tanana.
Description of the enumeration TananaTutchone.
Description of the enumeration TargetAwareness.
Interface for stored queries which take a target community ID list as parameter.
Description of the enumeration TechnicianHealthInformationProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TechnicianOtherProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TechnicianPathologyProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TechnicianProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TechnicianTechnologistProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TechnologistTechnicianandOtherTechnicalServiceProvidersProviderCodes.
Description of the class TEL.
Represents a telecommunication address.
Description of the enumeration TelecommunicationAddressUse.
Java class for TelephoneNumberListType complex type.
TelephoneNumber is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration Tepiman.
Java class for TerminateType complex type.
String-based iterator class that reads a file line by line This class can be used within a split rule expression to extract each line of a given file and generate a new exchange via the Splitter.
Description of the enumeration TextMediaType.
Description of the enumeration TherapeuticProductDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration TherapyAppropriateManagementCode.
Description of the class Thumbnail.
Represents a date and time range used in queries.
HL7 timestamps (data type DTM) with particular precision, normalized to UTC.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are timestamp-based.
Validates time values.
Description of the enumeration TimingDetectedIssueCode.
Description of the enumeration TimingEvent.
Description of the enumeration Tiwa.
Abstraction for setting TLS parameters to be used by ATNA sender implementations.
Simple client implementation of RFC 5425 TLS syslog transport for sending audit messages to an Audit Record Repository that implements TLS syslog.
Enum to control the level of paranoia when it comes to trusting the socket connection.
TLS syslog server following RFC 5425.
Description of the class TN.
Description of the enumeration TopicalAbsorptionRoute.
Description of the enumeration TopicalApplication.
Description of the enumeration TopicalPowder.
Description of the enumeration TopicalSolution.
Description of the enumeration TracheostomyRoute.
Some IHE transactions define options that influence the interface(s) being exposed by their interactions, e.g.: PAM defines options for ITI-30 and ITI-31 that determines the acceptable HL7 trigger events QEDm defines options that determine what FHIR resource types needs to be provided
This is meant for IHE transactions that differ depending on what option(s) are chosen.
Some utilities for TransactionOptions
Description of the enumeration Transdermal.
Description of the enumeration TransdermalPatch.
Description of the enumeration Transfer.
Description of the enumeration TransferActReason.
Description of the enumeration TransmissionRelationshipTypeCode.
Translates one internal data structure into another one.
Adapts a Transmogrifier.
Description of the enumeration TransmucosalRoute.
Description of the enumeration TransplacentalRoute.
Description of the enumeration TransportationServiceHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration TransportationServicesProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration TranstrachealRoute.
Description of the enumeration TranstympanicRoute.
Description of the enumeration TribalEntityUS.
Description of the class TS.
Description of the enumeration Tsamosan.
Description of the enumeration Tsimshianic.
Helper functions for handling TTL SOAP header in XCPD.
Abstraction of a TypeConverter
The ValuePair is used in ParticipantObjectIdentificationType descriptions to capture parameters.
Simple UDP sender that opens a new DatagramSocket for every batch of AuditMessages being sent.
TLS syslog server following RFC 5426.
Java class for uidOrganisationIdCategorieType.
Java class for uidStructureType complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration UnderwriterParticipationFunction.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasureAtomBaseUnitInsens.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasureAtomBaseUnitSens.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasureAtomSens.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasurePrefixInsens.
Description of the enumeration UnitOfMeasurePrefixSens.
Description of the enumeration UnitsOfMeasureCaseInsensitive.
Description of the enumeration UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive.
Description of the enumeration Unknown.
Java class for UnknownPolicySetId complex type.
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.1.10 2017-05-29T14:39:29.875+02:00 Generated source version: 3.1.10
A SOAP exception for an unknown value set identifier.
A SOAP exception for an unknown value set version.
Description of the enumeration UnorderedListStyle.
Interface for storages of of HL7 v2 unsolicited fragmentation accumulators.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for UpdatePolicyRequest complex type.
Description of the enumeration UpperChinook.
Description of the enumeration UreteralRoute.
Description of the enumeration UrethralRoute.
The FHIR Identifier type introduces a new mechanism for conveying the originating system of a particular identifier.
Description of the enumeration UrinaryBladderIrrigation.
Description of the enumeration UrinaryBladderRoute.
Description of the enumeration UrinaryTractRoute.
Validates a value list for compliance with a URI (RFC 2616).
Description of the class URL.
Description of the enumeration URLScheme.
URN abstraction, following the pattern of URI and URL classes.
Builds an User Authentication representing a Network Entry event as specified in
Java class for UserQueryType complex type.
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
Validator for UUIDs
Description of the class UVPTS.
Description of the enumeration VaccineEntityType.
Description of the enumeration VaccineManufacturer.
Description of the enumeration VaccineType.
Description of the enumeration VaginalCream.
Description of the enumeration VaginalFoam.
Description of the enumeration VaginalGel.
Description of the enumeration VaginalOintment.
Description of the enumeration VaginalRoute.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Description of the enumeration ValidationIssue.
All error messages that can occur during validation.
Validation profile for XDS-like transactions.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Validation interface.
Adapts a Validator
Provides assertions for validators.
Java class for ValueListType complex type.
Provides validation of a list of values for compatibility with other data types.
Description of the enumeration ValueSetOperator.
Description of the enumeration ValueSetPropertyId.
Model of an SVS ValueSetRequest
Model of an SVS ValueSetResponse
Description of the enumeration ValueSetStatus.
Provides validation of simple values for compatibility with other data types.
Description of the enumeration VerificationMethod.
Description of the enumeration VerificationOutcomeValue.
Java class for VersionInfoType complex type.
Description of the enumeration VeterinarianHIPAA.
Description of the enumeration VeterinarianProviderCodes.
Description of the enumeration VideoMediaType.
Description of the enumeration VitreousHumourRoute.
Java class for vnStatusType.
List of XDS related vocabulary constants.
Description of the enumeration VocabularyDomainQualifier.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for warningType complex type.
Description of the enumeration WeightAlert.
Description of the enumeration WesternApachean.
Description of the enumeration WesternMiwok.
Description of the enumeration WesternMuskogean.
Description of the enumeration WesternNumic.
Description of the enumeration Wintuan.
Description of the enumeration Wiyot.
Description of the enumeration WorkPlaceAddressUse.
An implementation of output stream which serves as a proxy for another output stream instance and collects the data pieces to be written in a string buffer (these pieces are XML and/or MIME artifacts).
A data structure that contains various ATNA audit information pieces common for all Web Service-based IHE transactions.
Marker interface for Web Service audit dataset enrichers.
Interface for Web Service ATNA audit dataset enrichers.
Base class for CXF interceptors which store incoming and outgoing HTTP payload into files with user-defined name patterns.
Rejection handling strategy for WS transactions.
CXF interceptor that claims to understand WS-Security headers.
Contains information about a Web Service-based transaction.
Description of the enumeration XAccommodationRequestorRole.
EventTypes for transactions in this module
Prevents the usage of com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.output.XMLStreamWriterOutput.NewLineEscapeHandler introduced in Glassfish JAXB 2.3.0.
ParticipantObjectIdTypes for transactions in this module
Java class for XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryType complex type.
Java class for XACMLAuthzDecisionStatementType complex type.
Java class for XACMLPolicyQueryType complex type.
Java class for XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatementType complex type.
Java class for XACMLPolicyStatementType complex type.
Description of the enumeration XActClassCareProvisionEncounter.
Description of the enumeration XActClassCareProvisionObservation.
Description of the enumeration XActClassCareProvisionProcedure.
Description of the enumeration XActClassDocumentEntryAct.
Description of the enumeration XActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer.
Description of the enumeration XActEncounterReason.
Description of the enumeration XActFinancialProductAcquisitionCode.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodDefEvn.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodDefEvnRqo.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodDefEvnRqoPrmsPrp.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodDocumentObservation.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodEvnOrdPrmsPrp.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodIntentEvent.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodOrdPrms.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodOrdPrmsEvn.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodPermPermrq.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodRequestEvent.
Description of the enumeration XActMoodRqoPrpAptArq.
Description of the enumeration XActOrderableOrBillable.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipDocument.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipEntry.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipEntryRelationship.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipExternalReference.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipPatientTransport.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipPertinentInfo.
Description of the enumeration XActRelationshipRelatedAuthorizations.
Description of the enumeration XActReplaceOrRevise.
Description of the enumeration XActStatusActiveComplete.
Description of the enumeration XActStatusActiveSuspended.
Description of the enumeration XAdverseEventCausalityAssessmentMethods.
Description of the enumeration XBasicConfidentialityKind.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementActMood.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementEncounterMood.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementObservationMood.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementProcedureMood.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementSubstanceMood.
Description of the enumeration XClinicalStatementSupplyMood.
This class represents a name.
Validates a XCN string.
Description of the enumeration XDeterminerInstanceKind.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentActMood.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentEncounterMood.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentEntrySubject.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentProcedureMood.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentStatus.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentSubject.
Description of the enumeration XDocumentSubstanceMood.
Base class for XDS Adhoc Query services
Camel Endpoint implementation for XDS-like transactions which have only a single Web Service operation.
A data structure that contains XDS-specific ATNA audit information pieces in addition to common IHE Web Service-related ones.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in XDS transactions.
Validating processors for IPF XDS components.
Base class for all Camel components implementing IHE XDS-like transactions
Camel Endpoint implementation for XDS-like transactions which have only a single Web Service operation.
EventTypes for the XDS transactions in this module
A renderer of HL7 v2 elements which considers XDS-specific requirements regarding required and prohibited fields as prescribed in the ITI TF Volume 3 Chapter 4.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based retrieval-related XDS-I transactions.
Data binding specific for the XDS data model --- gathers some additional information pieces for elements of request messages while they are being unmarshalled from XML to ebXML POJOs.
Common base class of all XDS meta data classes.
Base class for transformers of XDSMetaClass and ebXML representations.
Thrown if XDS meta data did not match the expectations.
Audit dataset specific for non-constructive operations (Read+Delete as opposed to Create+Update in CRUD) on document sets in an XDS Repository.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based XDS transactions related to non-constructive operations (Read+Delete as opposed to Create+Update in CRUD) on document sets in an XDS Repository.
ParticipantObjectIdTypeCodes for the XDS query transactions in this module
XDS audit dataset specific for query-related transactions.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based query-related XDS transactions.
Base class for XDS Registry Request services
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based XDS transactions related to removal of Documents.
XDS audit dataset specific for transactions related to XDS Metadata removal.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based transactions related to XDS Metadata removal.
Utility class for rendering of ebXML stub POJOs and simplified XDS model classes into XML.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based retrieval-related XDS transactions.
Base class for XDS Retrieve Document Set services
XDS audit dataset specific for submission-related transactions.
Basis for Strategy pattern implementation for ATNA Auditing in ebXML 3.0-based submission-related XDS transactions.
Description of the enumeration XEncounterAdmissionUrgency.
Description of the enumeration XEncounterParticipant.
Description of the enumeration XEncounterPerformerParticipation.
Description of the enumeration XEntityClassDocumentReceiving.
Description of the enumeration XEntityClassPersonOrOrgReceiving.
Description of the enumeration XInformationRecipient.
Description of the enumeration XInformationRecipientRole.
Description of the enumeration XLabProcessClassCodes.
Description of the enumeration XLabSpecimenCollectionProviders.
Description of the enumeration XMedicationOrImmunization.
XML Names used for marshalling/unmarshalling audit records
Various XML utilities.
Validates a XON string.
Description of the enumeration XOrganizationNamePartType.
Description of the enumeration XParticipationAuthorPerformer.
Description of the enumeration XParticipationEntVrf.
Description of the enumeration XParticipationPrfEntVrf.
Description of the enumeration XParticipationVrfRespSprfWit.
Description of the enumeration XPayeeRelationshipRoleType.
Description of the enumeration XPersonNamePartType.
Description of the enumeration XPhoneOrEmailURLScheme.
Description of the enumeration XPhoneURLScheme.
Description of the enumeration XPhysicalVerbalParticipationMode.
This class represents a name.
XQuery transformer similar to the XsltTransmogrifier
Description of the enumeration XRoleClassAccommodationRequestor.
Description of the enumeration XRoleClassCoverage.
Description of the enumeration XRoleClassCoverageInvoice.
Description of the enumeration XRoleClassCredentialedEntity.
Description of the enumeration XRoleClassPayeePolicyRelationship.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Validation of XML documents based on a XML Schema.
Description of the enumeration XServiceEventPerformer.
Xslt Processor transforming a Source into an object of type T.
Purpose of Use codes from XSPA
Description of the enumeration XSubstitutionConditionNoneOrUnconditional.
Description of the enumeration XSUCCREPLPREV.
Validates an XTN value.
Description of the enumeration XVeryBasicConfidentialityKind.
Description of the enumeration Yaqui.
Description of the enumeration Yokuts.
Description of the enumeration Yokutsan.
Description of the enumeration Yukian.
The ZBE segment is intended to be used for information that details ADT movement information.
Description of the enumeration _0272.
Description of the enumeration _0275a.
Description of the enumeration _0280.